BSc minor Agricultural Business Management (WUABM)

This BSc minor provides an overview of the main marketing, management, and financial concepts and methods in agriculture. By studying the economics of agribusiness students obtain insights in the environment influencing the current and future position of an agricultural business. Optional in the minor is to specialize more in management and marketing or to learn more about methods of decision making.

Continue to an overview of the courses in this minor

Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of this minor students are expected to be able to:

- explain the main concepts and methods of business economics, management and marketing in agriculture;
- apply these concepts and methods in different problem areas and under different perspectives;
- explain the economic theory of the agribusiness and the behaviour of the agents in the agribusiness;
- recognize the meaning of the agribusiness for the economics, management and marketing of the farm business.

    Target group

    This minor is interesting for WU-students of the BSc programmes:

    • BAT Biosystems Engineering
    • BDW Animal Sciences
    • BPW Plant Sciences

    Also for students from other BSc programmes who are interested in agricultural business management.

    Assumed knowledge

    Basic first year BSc knowledge about mathematics, like
    MAT12806 Mathematics M (Mathematics for Social Sciences)
    MAT14803 Mathematics 1, MAT14903 Mathematics 2 and MAT15003 Mathematics 3.

    Overlapping courses or content with

    BBC Management and Consumer Studies




    First semester (period 1, 2 and 3)

    Programme or thematic

    Programme minor