An internship Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy allows you to fully participate at an academic level in a government organisation (e.g. Ministry), political party, NGO, business or other organisation that is involved in agricultural and rural economics and policy. At the Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group writing your M.Sc. thesis in the Group is a prerequisite for doing an internship. However, exceptions are possible in some cases. Please note that your internship must always be approved by the internship coordinator dr. Dusan Drabik or supervisor from the academic staff.
Find ideas for doing internships and finding job at international organizations at: https://www.wur.nl/en/education-programmes/current-students/graduation/student-career-services.htm
On https://wur.jobteaser.com/ you can sign up for information sessions for
• Working in Brussels and Paris (EU, OECD)
• Working at the FAO
• Working at the World Bank Group
• Working at the IFAD
• Working at the InterAmerican Development Bank
• How to get into an international organization