Research of the Soil Geography and Landscape Group
We improve and share understanding of soil patterns and landscape dynamics worldwide. We take an integrative approach combining physical, biophysical, and human elements to gain insight in past, present and possible future developments. With this understanding we support sustainable land management, on practical as well as on policy level.
Our research themes
Earth Surface Dynamics
We analyse the past of soil and landscape systems to understand the current dynamics under global change and to project future pathways. This is achieved through assessing the landscape’s geological, geomorphological, geographical and biogeographical characteristics and evolution using various sampling and dating techniques and landscape evolution models. We improve the methodology of luminescence dating techniques.
Human-Landscape Interaction
We study human-landscape interactions over a range of spatial and temporal scales, using geological, geomorphological, archaeological and historical data. We focus on soil and water quality, and land use sustainability.
Geography and Data Science
We explore soil patterns and soil properties at different scales in space and time. We develop methods for quantifying soil properties combining expert knowledge, data science, geostatistics, remote and proximal sensing, and process-based modelling. We explicitly quantify uncertainties.