Biodiversity and Policy
Together with clients, partners and stakeholders, the Biodiversity & Policy team works to realise a robust, sustainable, liveable, profitable and biodiverse landscape. This on both international and local level. In our research we assume that nature offers solutions for many issues on the road to a sustainable environment.
B & P is a diverse team focused on three knowledge pillars; a) information and data processing (modelling and GIS), b) ecology and ecosystems (flora and fauna) and c) governance and policy. We are knowledge partners for financiers, policy-makers, legislators and regulators, users, managers, the business community and civil society organisations.
Meet the team
Meet the members of Biodiversity and Policy
dr. RP (Robert) Baayen
Onderzoeker -
ir. IM (Irene) Bouwma
WR Onderzoeker -
dr. RI (Rosalie) van Dam
J (Jurre) Dekker
Researcher agroecology -
dr. HF (Han) van Dobben
Externe medewerker - AM (Anne) van Doorn
researcher and coordinator agri-environmental research -
dr. R (Roel) During
WR Onderzoeker -
ZCS (Zoë) van Eldik MSc
Researcher nature and society -
DW (Daphne) Glaser
Administrateur -
LTP (Lian) Grabijn
Researcher Ecology -
drs. JGM (Janien) van der Greft-van Rossum
Research Scientist Ecology and Modelling -
dr. W (Wim) de Haas
Externe medewerker -
ir. RJHG (Rene) Henkens
Specialist natuur, recreatie & toerisme -
A (Anja) de Jong
dr. JC (Joke) de Jong
Team leader -
MJ (Meike) Josemans BSc
drs. B (Bart) de Knegt
Promovendus , -
IM (Inge) Koning
Program administrator BO & KB ('Programmasecretaris') -
ir. J (Jeroen) Kruit
WR Onderzoeker -
AAH (Angela) de Lang
dr. HD (Hans) Roelofsen
drs. SAM (Sabine) van Rooij
Researcher Green Infrastructure and transitions , -
drs. IE (Irini) Salverda
WR Onderzoeker -
S (Socrates) Schouten MSc
Promovendus , Promovendus - T (Theo) van der Sluis MSc
Researcher -
S (Sam) Vellekoop MSc
Researcher - GWW (Wieger) Wamelink
Ecologist en exobiologist - J (Judith) Westerink
Senior scientist Landscape Governance -
AL (Amy) Wortel
ir. FF (Friso) van der Zee