Publications & Resources
The WSSC uses and develops several software and resources for seed research and technology. Click here for an overview of the most common software and resources used in the WSSC.
Most recent publications of the WSSC
The mRNA-binding proteome of a critical phase transition during Arabidopsis seed germination
A Role for Allantoate Amidohydrolase (AtAAH) in the Germination of Arabidopsis thaliana Seeds
Delayed Protein Changes During Seed Germination
The membrane associated NAC transcription factors ANAC060 and ANAC040 are functionally redundant in the inhibition of seed dormancy in Arabidopsis thaliana
Arabidopsis in the wild—the effect of seasons on seed performance
Evaluating the EPPO method for seed longevity analyses in Arabidopsis
Seed stored mRNAs that are specifically associated to monosome are translationally regulated during germination
Seed dormancy back on track; its definition and regulation by DOG1
Dormancy cycling: Translation related transcripts are the main difference between dormant and non‐dormant seeds in the field
Ethanol release as an indicator of seed vigour in radish, pepper, watermelon, aubergine, leek and onion seed lots