Thesis at the Law Group
The Law Group provides supervision for BSc and MSc theses. Much of the information you need regarding your thesis will be provided to you by the study advisors connected to your BSc and MSc programme. On this website, we provide some additional information on specific aspects of supervision by the Law Group.
Our thesis supervisors
- Role of corporations in sustainability transformations
- How businesses comply with human rights
- Business and human rights litigation
- Feminist approaches to business and human rights
- Future of food law regulation
- Intellectual property rights and enforcement
- Agricultural law
- Private and consumer law
- Menstruation, gender, health, sexuality and reproduction Water governance and human rights
- Water governance and human rights
- Social movements and human rights (related to food, health, and water)
- Socio-legal, interdisciplinary and empirical research
- Biodiversity
- Environmental law
- Agriculture & soils
- Regulating pollution
- Law in action
- Empirical legal research
- Corporate accountability for human rights & environmental impacts
- Legal aspects of marine environmental conservation
- Indigenous peoples' rights
- Climate change litigation
- Governing outer space sustainability
- Misleading practices
- Labelling
- Biotextiles
- Novel food
- Commercial law and circularity
- Food information law
- Green claims
- Interplay of consumer law and food law
- Sustainable development and trade nexus
- EU external relations
- Agri-food law
- Common agricultural policy
- Sustainability food laws
- Regulation and legal transformation of food systems
- Short food supply chains
- Local food movements
- Climate change and sea-level rise
- Marine protected areas: conservation, legal frameworks, Indigenous rights
- Deep-sea mining: environmental impact and community rights
- Fisheries management: sustainability and social equity
- Human rights at sea: challenges for migrants and seafarers
- Offshore renewable energy
- Environmental damage calculation
- Ecological restoration
- International, European and national environmental liability legislation
- EU biodiversity law and nature conservation
- Law and economics of the environment
- Food law
- Sustainability of the agri-food chain
- Food labelling
- Food innovation
- Import
- Animal welfare
- Food e-commerce
- Food information
- International food trade contracts
- Digitalization in the agri food sector
- Agri-food systems transformation
- Social conditionality in the cap
- Ai and agri-food
- International trade law
- Free trade agreements and sustainability
- International food law
- European internal market law and the green deal
- Business and human rights
- Corporate sustainability due diligence
- Responsible business conduct in challenging contexts
- Criminal law
- Comparative law
- International law
- European law
- Human rights
- Drought
- Land use
- Spatial planning
- Landscape design
- Sustainability governance
- Multinational businesses and human rights
- Smallholder agricultural value chains
- Vagueness and ambiguity in human rights due diligence regulation
- Environmental crimes from the law and economics perspective
- Illegal wildlife trade
- Ai governance and policy
- Intersections of psychology, environmental economics and international law
- Ai regulation
- Automation of legal reasoning
- Law and economics
- Private law
- Risk analysis in circularity
- Food contact materials
- Food packaging