Research projects
Below, you will find a list of current research projects of the Soil Biology Group.
AFER: Agricultural Fertility and Environmental Resources in Northern Ethiopia
This project has three PhD students who will investigate the intrinsic soil fertility and requirements and adoption of fertiliser blends for enhancing... -
European Research Project on the sustainable management of land and soil in Europe. -
HARVEST; Healthy Apples Research: Valuing Environmental Sustainability of Topsoil
The HARVEST project will develop a novel soil health strategy to decrease the use of chemical in DANONE's apple orchards used for baby food... -
P4two: Designing for Complementarity in Phosphorus Use in Intercrops
P4two is a Wageningen Sandwich PhD project that aims to design intercrops with high phosphorus use efficiency based on different preferences for P... -
ECO-SERVE: Sustainable provisioning of multiple ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes
ECO-SERVE is a European Reserach Project that evaluates the adaptability of current agricultural systems under conventional and ecological management... -
The FOREFRONT program focuses on agro-forest frontier areas, the dynamic frontier between forests and agricultural land (cropland, rangeland). -
ARDA: Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Drought Tolerance of Rice (Oryza sativa)
The project focuses on unraveling the role of the mycorrhizal symbiosis in enhancing drought tolerance of rice. -
Circular Agronomy
Circular Agronomy is a European research project aiming to close nutrient cycles in agri-food chain. Our groups leads a workpackage and hosts one of... -
Plant–Soil Feedback/Microbial Ecology: disentangling negative and positive soil feedback effects
Plant-Soil Feedbacks entail biological, chemical and physical changes in soil due to plant growth which can promote or suppress the growth of... -
Exploiting positive plant-soil feedbacks through understanding root traits and trade-offs.
Growing plants interact closely with soil organisms. Depending on plant characteristics, plants alter soil conditions and influence next plant...