PhD supervisors

Wageningen Graduate Schools (WGS) is the platform from where the six graduate schools at Wageningen University cooperate in developing proposals and policies about research and the PhD programme, and jointly organise activities and PhD courses. WGS has developed this website to support PhD supervisors in their supervisory tasks. Any feedback, remarks and questions are most welcome. Do not hesitate to contact the WGS coordinators Anouk Geelen and Esther Roquas (contact details on the right).

Supervisor guide

For PhD supervisors, WGS has developed four tools to support the process: a practical guide with information on the PhD process, The Golden Rules for PhD supervision, an expectations sheet to support the conversation about mutual expectations, and a guideline for the go/no-go decision.

The Wageningen University PhD Programme: a practical guide for new and experienced supervisors

The practical guide for supervisors contains information on the rules, regulations and guidelines of the PhD programme, the Hora Finita system, the administrative process from start to finish, and the role of the graduate schools and Doctoral Service Centre.

Download the practical guide.

The Golden Rules for PhD supervision

Why the Golden Rules?

Responsible supervision contributes to responsible research. In literature, three components are often distinguished: the supervisor is a role model, the supervisor encourages responsible research practices, and the supervisor creates a socially safe working climate*. Wageningen Graduate Schools recognise that supervision quality is an important determinant of the success of PhD trajectories. The quality of supervision is related to PhD wellbeing and stress.

In 2018/2019 a Leiden University project group developed the Golden Rules for PhD supervision. The rules resulted of extensive discussions with various stakeholders. These discussions showed that due to the absence of a clear ‘job description’ for PhD supervisors, it is difficult to know what is required and expected from everyone involved. The aim was to produce a concise document and bring transparency for both sides, thus making it easier for supervisors to focus on their responsibilities and encourage PhD candidates to take initiative and ask for needed support. Wageningen Graduate Schools has adapted the Golden Rules specifically for the WU PhD Programme.

The Golden Rules are balanced for the supervisor and the PhD candidate. Underlying this balancing is the thought that the supervisor and PhD candidate enter into a work relationship with each other and supervision is a two-way process. Clear and frequent communication, management of expectations, and giving and receiving feedback are crucial components. Instrumental in this are the right attitude and behaviour of both supervisors and PhD candidates. Wageningen Graduate Schools aims to support professional work relationships between supervisors and PhD candidates by setting these guidelines and offering training to develop supervision skills based on our view on what good supervision entails.

Download the Golden Rules for PhD supervision.

*Haven, T. (2025). It takes two flints to start a fire: A focus group study into PhD supervision for responsible research.Accountability in Research, 1–24. Full article: It takes two flints to start a fire: A focus group study into PhD supervision for responsible research

Guideline go/no-go decision

This document provides more information and advice on the process of the go/no-go l evaluation.

Download the guideline for the go/no-go decision.

Conversation about expectations

Supervisors and PhD candidates may have different expectations about the process leading to the PhD degree. WGS would like to stimulate PhD candidates and supervisors to discuss expectations at the start. This worksheet may help with this. Supervisors and PhD candidate complete this scale independently and then compare their responses. The expectations work sheet may also help the supervisors to discuss their specific roles and tasks in a PhD project.

Download the expectations worksheet.

Development of supervision skills

The development of professional supervision skills is supported by a programme of courses and activities. The basic course “Professional in Supervision” is mandatory for all PhD supervisors at WUR

More information about the programme.

Supervisor of the year award

One of the annual research awards at Wageningen University & Research is for the PhD supervisor of the year.

Find more information on the Research Awards.

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    Other resources

    Besides the information you can find on this website, we highly recommend to look at the PhD website. You can learn more about the time table of the PhD programme, the training offered for PhD candidates, rules and regulations, and the services that we offer as graduate schools. Some useful links:

    Advice for supervisors

    In case you would like to discuss specific issues concerning the supervision of PhD candidates, do not hesitate to contact your graduate school for (confidential) advice.