The chair group Nematology studies the biology of nematodes (roundworms) with the aim to understand and predict their functioning in agricultural and natural ecosystems.
This is accomplished by hypothesis-driven research on the molecular and genetic interactions between nematodes and their environment, including both biotic (e.g., bacteria, plants and animals) and abiotic factors (e.g., temperature and drought).
Special attention is given to the identification of nematode secretions and their role in suppressing and activating the immune systems of plants and animals. The primary objective herein is to understand the molecular dialogue between host and parasite that allow nematodes to complete their life cycle.
50th Anniversary Laboratory of Nematology 1972 - 2022
(Voor de Nederlandse versie klik rechts bovenaan deze pagina 'Nederlands')
On May 12 we celebrate our 50th anniversary as the Laboratory of Nematology. To celebrate this anniversary together, you are cordially invited from 13.30 to 20.30 for a reunion for (former) employees.
Address start program: Hoge Steeg 2 (Omnia, building 105) 6708 PH Wageningen
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In May 2009 the Laboratory of Nematology moved to a complete new building, called Radix, at Droevendaalsesteeg 1, which houses all Plant Sciences Groups of Wageningen University and Research.Read more
Laboratory of Nematology completely destroyed by fire
In the early morning of June 14th 1973 this building of the newly established Department of Nematology was completely destroyed by fire. After the fire Michiel Oostenbrink, the head of the department, wrote a letter to all the Nematologists in the world, to ask for help (see below).Read more