References - Tree Database
Dutch flora, vegetation, forests and wood
- Aanleg en beheer van bos en beplantingen. Schütz en van Tol. 1981
- Atlas van plantengemeenschappen in Nederland. Weeda et al. 2005. deel 4 Bossen, struwelen en ruigten
- Heukels’ Flora van Nederland. Van der Meijden. 2005
- Houtvademecum. Heilig. 1981
- Nederlandse oecologische flora. Weeda et al. 2003. Wilde planten en hun relaties
- Vegetatie van Nederland deel 5. Ruigten, struwelen, bossen. Stortelder et al. 1999
Trees of the temperate region
- Drawings of wild plants. Thome, O.W. 1885-1905. Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.
- Enzyklopädie der Holzgewächse. Schütt et al. 2006. CD-ROM
- FEIS-Database. USDA Forest Service. extensive information on all North American woody species.
- Forestry Compendium. CAB International. 2005.
- Gymnosperm Database for all Conifers. C. J. Earle.
- List of names of woody plants. International Standard. PPO Nederland. 2005
- Loofbomen in en buiten het bos. D.E. Boeijink et al. 1992
- Nederlandse boomsoorten. syllabi Vakgroep Bosbouw Landbouwuniversiteit. P. Schmidt, 1987
- Opbrengsttabellen voor belangrijke boomsoorten in Nederland. Jansen et al. 1996
- Plants for a Future Database. USDA Forest Service. info on habitat, uses and cultivation of all useful temperate plant species.
- Plants Database. USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service. Profiles for North American species including plant images and links to other databases
- Wikipedia, free encyclopedia. Tree information per species.
- Wood anatomy of central European Species. Schoch et al. 2004. Atlas for the identification of European trees and shrubs.
Trees of the tropical region
- Forestry Compendium. CAB International. 2005.
- Plant Resources of South-East Asia No.5. timber trees: minor commercial timbers. Lemmens, R.H.M.J. et al 1995
- Plant Resources of South-East Asia. timber trees. Hong, L.T. 1999
- Tropix. Information on 215 tropical tree species.
- Wikipedia. Tree information per species.
- Woody plants of Western African Forests. Hawthorne. 2006. A guide to the forest trees, shrubs and lianas from Senegal to Ghana.
Old trees