Vaccine testing
At the forefront of applied science, Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) creates innovations in the field of vaccine development. As a contract research organization (CRO) we create new vaccine platforms and identify novel vaccine candidates. After antigen discovery, vaccine safety and efficacy needs to be determined as well.
Vaccine efficacy
We offer clients extensive services in the field of vaccine efficacy such as optimization of administration routes, vaccine safety studies, efficacy studies in vaccination challenge experiments, and insight into duration of immunity.
(Pre-)clinical trials
Due to the availability of a broad range of animal models for infectious diseases, for both animal and human health, we can support clients with all aspects of vaccine efficacy by performing clinical and preclinical trials in different host animals, if required under Good Clinical Practice (GCP) standards. Different routes of administration for vaccines can be used, like intramuscular, mucosal, spray vaccination or in ovo vaccination. In ovo vaccination is applied for Eimeria spp. as well as for infectious bronchitis virus. For the latter, a ciliostasis test is used as a correlate of protection.
Extensive results
We not only perform the required animal experiments, but also facilitate extensive analyses of the results. We have broad expertise on host-pathogen interactions, which allows extensive analyses on microbiological, immunological, pathological, and clinical parameters. The high-tech animal facilities make use of innovative sensor technologies that allow real-time monitoring of body temperature, breathing frequency and animal behaviour.
Customized experiments
In consultation with our clients, and together with our experts on experimental design including statistics, we design and perform customized animal experiments to determine vaccine efficacy.
Contact our experts
Please feel free to contact the experts of our contract research organization (CRO) if you have a question concerning pathogens.