Knowledge, Technology and Innovation Group (KTI)
Knowledge, technology, and innovation are central to global and local transformations. Our critical engagement with socio-technical innovations creates space for understanding and possible reshaping the production, exchange, integration, and use of scientific and other knowledge.
“I M U” video artwork at WUR library
WUR library is currently exhibiting the interactive video artwork “I M U”. “I M U” is a philosophical essay in images that invites for reflection. It is an AI film installation that you experience individually: through a mirror and a screen, you become part of a 10-minute video. This artwork has been created by Juul van der Laan and gives a unique opportunity to experience the work of philosopher Mogobe Ramose from South Africa.
The video artwork is open to everybody. No need to register, just go there, and enjoy the 10 minute ride (see flyer)!
Recent Publications
So kann Deutschland eine neue Chipindustrie aufbauen
Selling extinction : The politics of cheetah conservation in Namibia : “Cheetah capital of the world”
Wageningen University. Promotor(en): A. Hardon, co-promotor(en): D. Ludwig - Wageningen: Wageningen University -
Urban Political Ecology (2025) - ISSN 3049-7515 - p. 1-7. -
The semantics of research Data Management Plans : Lessons from analysing DMPs across diverse use cases with heterogeneous data for high-tech solutions in low-tech environments
Wageningen University & Research (Wageningen Social & Economic Research 2025-004) -
CropMix: Driving the Transition to Agro-Ecological Crop Farming
Relational autonomy highlights how interdependencies shift in the transformation of food provisioning
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development (2025), Volume: 14, Issue: 2 - ISSN 2152-0801 -
Governance by satellite : Remote sensing, bureaucrats and agency in the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union
Journal of Rural Studies (2025), Volume: 114 - ISSN 0743-0167 -
Unleashing Youth Creativity in Times of COVID: Reflections from a Collaborative Research Project
Practicing Anthropology (2025), Volume: 47, Issue: 1 - ISSN 0888-4552 - p. 60-71. -
Hoogwaardiger gebruik van reststromen voor diervoeder : Bondig overzicht van huidige agro-reststroombestemmingen, en kansen en belemmeringen voor hoogwaardigere inzet van agro-reststromen in Nederland
Wageningen: Wageningen Food & Biobased Research (Rapport / Wageningen Wageningen Food & Biobased Research 2580) -
The promise of digitalisation : Case study: Social Impact of a digital app for cocoa pod counting in Cameroon
Wageningen: Wageningen Social & Economic Research (Report / Wageningen Social & Economic Research 2025-002)