Thesis subject

Biodiversity of green roofs

This topic aims to understand the ecological value of green roofs by studying the development of the soil, plants and insects over time and their relationship to each other.

Start date


End date


This is being studied on 24 plots on green roofs in Amsterdam. There are 4 topics that you can choose from to study the biodiversity of green roofs:

  1. Plant diversity on green roofs. Fieldwork in April-May and in June-July. Includes visits to the roofs and identifying all the plants. Determine the relationship of plants with the soil and the surroundings using statistical analysis. Starts in the 5th period.
  2. Nematodes in the soil. These are important bioindicators for the quality of the soil. This includes fieldwork in April-May and June-July, as well as labwork using DNA techniques to determine species. Starts in the 5th period.
  3. Collembola/Springtails in the soil. These are important bioindicators for the quality of the soil. Try out a new sequencing technique, the MinION to identify Collembolans to species level. You will help design a protocol to use the MinION. Can start any time.
  4. Identify insects to family level or species level, depending on your skills and ambitions. Insects have been collected from the green roofs and comprise mostly Diptera, Hymenoptera Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Thysanoptera and Araneae.

You can either choose one of these groups to identify to species level or look at all groups and identify to family level. Results can further processed using statistical analysis.