MC (Maia) Brons

MC (Maia) Brons


Maia Brons is a postdoctoral researcher with the Sociology of Development and Change Group. She is part of the LODESTAR research project, which investigates early warning systems for communities at-risk of water disasters in the Netherlands (Dordrecht, Geertruidenberg) and India. Within this project, Maia focuses especially on the governance aspects to early warning systems in numerous localities, as well as organising Living Labs to bring communities and stakeholders together in the creating of risk awareness and early warning systems.

Maia is currently finishing her doctoral research, based at the University of Brighton (UK). Her doctoral thesis focuses on the dynamic relation between water-related challenges and mundane mobilities within the context of so-called 'urban fringes.' Her research is rooted in a qualitative study of Newham, in East London, where Maia has studied water-mobility interplays in conjunction with complex urban challenges such as climate change, (sub)urbanisation, segregation and regeneration. Her work is mainly situated between the fields of human geography, urban studies and political ecology.