Environmental Risk Assessment
ERA is a world leading centre of expertise for environmental risk assessment in the area of pesticides and other compounds. We take pride in our highly qualified staff and advanced laboratories, including unique outdoor test facilities. We develop models and conduct experimental research to predict the behaviour of organic contaminants in the environment, and to determine their effects on ecosystems. In addition, we offer consultancy and training on sustainable pesticide management in upcoming economies.
Meet the team
Click here to meet the members of Environmental Risk Assessment
ir. PI (Pauline) Adriaanse
Senior researcher Fate of pesticides in surface -
S (Sara) Ahrari
Team Leader -
dr. GHP (Gertie) Arts
Senior Scientist -
J (Jan) Baas PhD
Researcher -
DV (Dana) Bashkir MSc
PhD student -
dr. JM (Hans) Baveco
senior researcher -
ing. JDM (Dick) Belgers
Researcher -
ir. WHJ (Wim) Beltman
Researcher -
I (Ilona) van den Berg
Project Assistant -
dr. SJP (Sanne) van den Berg
Researcher -
MC (Marie Claire) Boerwinkel
Researcher -
dr.ir. MC (Maarten) Braakhekke
Researcher -
dr. WB (Bas) Buddendorf MSc BSc
WR Onderzoeker -
GC (Giulia) Cafiero
PhD student -
dr. P (Pavan) Cornelissen
Researcher -
ing. SJH (Steven) Crum
Projectleader Proficiency testing QUASIMEME -
M (Michael) Deligiannis
Promovendus , Onderwijs-/Onderzoeksassistent -
dr. STJ (Steven) Droge
Researcher -
ing. JG (Jan) Groenwold
software engineer -
ir. MMS (Mechteld) ter Horst
Researcher -
dr. A (Anna) Huang
Researcher -
N (Nina) Jansen
Researcher -
ir. R (Roel) Kruijne
Researcher -
ing. AM (Arrienne) Matser
Researcher -
A (Annika) Mangold-Döring MSc
Researcher -
dr.ir. A (Almir) Nunes de Brito Junior
Researcher -
dr. BH (Bastian) Polst
Researcher -
dr.ir. I (Ivo) Roessink
Scientist eco(toxico)logy -
KJL (Kas) Swinkels
Researcher -
dr.ir. EL (Louise) Wipfler
Scientific researcher and project manager -
RAY (Reiner) Yah MSc
PhD student