ir. J (Jeroen) Kruit
WR OnderzoekerAs a generalist type of researcher with a ‘learning by doing’ attitude I learned to follow my gut feeling in my advisory and research practice, resulting in an expanding field of activities, content and expertise. What helps a lot are the possibilities within the Wageningen broad context to practice cross expertise cooperation in all kinds of (research) settings and activities.
As a (participatory) action researcher my research practice focuses on facilitating, advising, evaluating and coaching (policy) professionals, grass root initiatives and Wageningen University students. These project-based activities often entail a lot of learning in and from practice for me. My work field stretches from livability issues on different scales to exchanging and learning in (professional) networks. These projects all deal with shifting roles and responsibilities in changing society.
As a landscape architect by education with a more process kind of focus I operate in the spatial domain where society issues often get manifest. Livability issues that for instance in social community gardening projects, research projects on ownership and individuality in rural communities and impact evaluation of citizens initiatives. As the WUR coordinator for the research agenda of the Green Deal Voedselbossen I focus on practicing, stimulating, organizing and facilitating cooperation with university staff, research staff and students within WUR and with practice, education and research partners outside WUR.