dr. EC (Edwin) Alblas LLM
Assistant professor environmental lawFollow me:
Edwin Alblas is an Assistant Professor in Environmental Law at the Law Group of Wageningen University & Research (tenure track). He completed his PhD in environmental law and regulation at the Sutherland School of Law, University College Dublin (UCD) and pursued a postdoc in environmental democracy at the University of Groningen. He is a graduate of Tilburg University (BA, LLM) and KU Leuven (LLM).
His fields of interest include biodiversity and nature conservation, agriculture, soil health and pollution. Using a variety of legal and social science methodologies, he studies how law can help drive positive environmental action and how to best include various societal groups in this exercise ('environmental democracy').
Edwin has teaching experience in various fields including environmental law & policy, environmental politics, and regulatory governance. He has published in international peer-reviewed journals, including Land Use Policy, International Environmental Agreements, Regulation & Governance, European Union Politics and Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. Alongside his research, Edwin has wide volunteering experience, among others for agri-environmental organizations in the Netherlands and as spokesperson for the successful climate litigation action Climate Case Ireland.
He can be reached via edwin.alblas@wur.nl.