Combatting climate change requires more than technical solutions and asks for transformative social and political actions too. Yet, all too often, climate policy proves slow and unjust. This makes questions of equity and effectiveness central to our aims studying architectures, networks, and technologies of present and future climate governance.
Our climate research examines the governance of mitigation, adaptation, and loss and damage at local, regional, and global levels (e.g. UNFCCC transparency arrangements), as well as atmospheric-level governance (e.g. solar geoengineering). We examine the implications of climate change and climate governance for both terrestrial and marine socio-environmental contexts; for instance, what climate change and its governance means in terms of land use, marine life, human mobility and relocation. We also assess the equity and effectiveness of varied, continually multiplying, climate governance arrangements, including changing relations between states and markets, and public, private, and hybrid sources of authority, and with scrutinizing the potentially novel challenges entailed in the anticipatory governance of pluralistic climate futures.