Open Access agreements and discounts
Open Access agreements allow you to publish Open Access at no or reduced costs.
Publishers often charge fees, so-called Article Processing Charges (APCs) for publishing articles Gold Open Access. These fees differ between journals and publishers. Sometimes you don’t have to pay the APC. You have different options to publish Open Access at no or reduced costs:
1. Open Access agreements
WUR has agreements with several major academic publishers allowing WUR corresponding authors to publish Gold Open Access at no or reduced costs. Currently, over 11,000 journals are covered by these agreements. You can check if the journal you intend to publish in is included in an agreement in the WUR Journal Browser.
Be aware that some of these agreements are limited to a maximum number of publications per year, in this case by the end of the year cost reduction is not guaranteed.
Some agreements have restrictions concerning the type of article.
2. Research funder reimbursements
Research funders provide possibilities to include APC funding in the initial research grant application. Please have a look at your funder’s Open Access policy for the current requirements and specific details regarding Open Access publishing:
The Plan S compliant Open Access policy applies for NWO calls opened from 1 January 2021. - Horizon 2020
- Horizon Europe
- ZonMw
3. Green Open Access publishing
Green Open Access (self-archiving) provides an alternative option, free of charge, to make your closed access article openly available in Research@WUR. Please check upfront whether your funder and/or publisher allows you to publish Green Open Access.
Important notes
- WUR has no Open Access fund.
- Publishers can charge for printed pages/figures exceeding the maximum allowed by a journal. These costs are not covered by the Open Access agreements with publishers.
For any questions please contact WUR Open Access Support.