Funder Open Access policies
Overview of the Open Access policies of major research funders.
The Dutch government states that publicly funded research should be freely available and strives towards 100% Open Access. Major research funders have incorporated this ambition into their Open Access policies and requirements.
National Open Access implementations
An increasing number of research funders, national and international organisations and initiatives endorse the Open Access principles and implement Open Access policies:
- the Dutch government
- the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU)
- the National Plan Open Science (NPOS)
Plan S
Plan S is an initiative for Open Access publishing, launched by a consortium of research funders (cOAlition S), and came into effect on 1 January 2021. Plan S requires that all publications from research funded by participating organisations must be published (without an embargo and with an open licence preferably CC BY) in either:
- Open Access journals
- Open Access platforms
- or Open Access repositories
See this newsitem on Plan S for more information.
Open Access requirements of research funders
Many major research funders obligate recipients to publish their publications and research data Open Access. Please have a look at your funders’ policies for the current requirements and specific details for Open Access publishing:
- NWO Note: for NWO calls opened from 1 January 2021 the Plan S compliant Open Access policy applies.
- Horizon 2020
- Horizon Europe Note: Horizon Europe recommends to preregister your research. You can find more information in this blog and in the informative webinar
by Prof. dr. Harm Veling. - ERC
- ZonMw
For any questions, please contact WUR Open Access Support.