Publications Laboratory of Bionanotechnology
ESPressoscope: a small and powerful platform for in situ microscopy Li, E., Saggiomo,V., Ouyang, W., Prakash, M., Diederich, B., PLOS ONE (2024), 19(10), e0306654
EnderScope: a low-cost 3D printer-based scanning microscope for microplastic detection Burke, N., Müller, G., Saggiomo, V., Hassett, A.R., Mutterer, J., Ó Súilleabháin, P., Zakharov, D., Healy, D., Reynaud, E.G., Pickering, M., Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A. (2024) 382, 20230214
Microfluidic-driven short peptide hydrogels with optical waveguiding properties Garcia, A. M., Garcia-Romero, J. A., Meijas, S. H., Prieto, P., Saggiomo, V., Velders, A. H., Soriano, M. L., Ruiz-Diez, V., Cabanillas-Gonzalez, J., Gomez, V., J. Mat. Chem. C (2024), 3, 1297310
Next step towards point-of-care molecular diagnosis of female genital schistosomiasis (FGS): evaluation of an instrumental-free LAMP procedure Van Bergen, K. J., Brienen, E. A., Randrianasolo, B. S., Ramarokoto, C. E., Leutscher, P., Kjetland, E. F., Van Diepen, A., Dekker, F., Saggiomo, V., Velders, A. H., Van Lieshout, L., Frontiers in Parasitology (2024), 12, 6027-6034
Fabrication of protein microgels with spherical and urchin-like shapes within water-in-water (W/W) emulsions Hu, K., Schijven, L. M. I., Velders, A. H., Bitter, H. J., Nikiforidis, C. V., Madadlou, A., Saggiomo, V., Colloids and Surfaces A (2023), 678, 132479.
Highly contractile 3D tissue engineered skeletal muscles from human iPSCs reveal similarities with primary myoblast-derived tissues van der Wal, E., Iuliana, A., in 't Groen, S. L. M., Bholasing, A. P., Priesmann, D., Sharma, P., den Hamer, B., Saggiomo, V., Kruger, M., Pijnappel, W. W. M., de Greef, J. C., Stem Cell Reports, (2023), 18, 1-18.
Multinuclear 1D and 2D NMR with 19F-Photo-CIDNP hyperpolarization in a microfluidic chip with untuned microcoil Gomez, M. V., Baas, S., Velders, A. H., Nature Commun. (2023), 3885.
Open hardware is at the heart of device research Saggiomo, V., (2023) Device, 1(1), 100012.
Chemically augmented malaria sporozoites display an altered immunogenic profile Duszenko, N., van Schuijlenburg, R., Chevalley-Maurel, S., van Willigen, D., Bes-Roeleveld, L., van der Wees, S., Naar, C., Baalbargen, E., Heieis, G., Bunschoten, A., Velders, A. H., Franke-Fayard, B., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Roestenberg, M. Front. Immunol. Parasite Immunology (2023), 14, 1204606
A 5-780-MHz transceiver ASIC for multinuclear NMR spectroscopy in 0.13 um BiCMOS Dreyer, F., Kruger, D., Baas, S., Velders, A. H., Anders, J. IEEE Xplore (2023), 70(9), 3484-3496
Chemical composition, biomolecular analysis, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic fingerprinting of Posidonia oceanica and Ascophyllum nodosum extracts Bruno, A., Velders, A. H., Biasone, A., Li Vigni, M., Mondelli, D., Miano, T. Metabolites (2023), 13(2), 170
On the influence of protein aggregate sizes for the formation of solid and hollow protein microparticles Schijven, L. M. I., Saggiomo, V., Velders, A. H., Bitter, J. H., Nikiforidis, C. V., J. Coll. Interf. Sc. (2023) 163 A, 181-190
Nerve targeting via myelin-protein zero and the impact of dimerization on binding affinity Berehova, N., Buckle, T., van Meerbeek, M., Bunschoten, A., Velders, A. H., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Molecules (2022), 27, 9015
HistoEnder: A 3D printer-based histological slide autostainer that retains 3D printer function Ponzetti, M., Devarapu, G. C. R., Rucci, N., Carlone, A., Saggiomo, V., HardwareX (2022), e00370
Controlling trapping, release, and exchange dynamics of micellar core components Kaup, R., Velders, A. H., ACS Nano (2022), 16, 14611-14621
Chemically enhanced immunogenicity of bacteria by supramolecular functionalization with an adjuvant N. Duszenko, D. M. van Willigen, A. Bunschoten, A. H. Velders, M. Roestenberg, F. W. B. van Leeuwen, ChemBioChem (2022), 23, e2022004
Hollow protein microparticles formed through crosslinking by an Au3+ initiated redox reaction Schijven, L. M. I., Vogelaar, T. D., Sridharan, S., Saggiomo, V., Velders, A. H., Bitter, J. H., Nikiforidis, C. V., J. Mat. Chem. B (2022), 10, 6287-6295
A 3D printer in the lab: Not only a toy Saggiomo, V., Adv. Sci. (2022), 2202610
T-Cup: a cheap, rapid, and simple home device for isothermal nucleic acid amplification Velders, A. H., Ossendrijver, M., Keijser, B. J. F., Saggiomo, V., Global Challenges (2022), 2100078
Au3+-induced gel network formation of proteins, Schijven, L. M. I., Saggiomo, V., Velders, A. H., Bitter, J. H., Nikiforidis, C. V., Soft Matter (2021), 17, 9682-9688
The field guide to 3D printing in optical microscopy for life sciences, Del Rosario, M., Heil, H. S., Mendes, A., Saggiomo, V., Henriques, R. Advanced Biology (2021), 2100994
Multicompartment dendrimicelles with binary, ternary and quarternary core composition, Kaup, R., ten Hove, J. B., Bunschoten, A., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Velders, A. H., Nanoscale (2021), 13, 15422-15430
Ender 3 3D printer kit transformed into open, programmable syringe pump set, Baas, S., Saggiomo, V., HardwareX (2021), 10, e00219
Experiments@home Saggiomo, V., Velders, A. H., Nat. Rev. Chem. (2021), 5, 365-366
CoroNaspresso: a cheap, rapid and simple home test for nucleic acid amplification Velders, A. H., Ossendrijver, M., Keijser, B. J. F., Saggiomo, V. ChemRxiv (2021)
Stochiometry alone can steer supramolecular systems on complex free energy surfaces with high selectivity Komaromy, D., Tiemersma-Wegman, T., Kemmink, J., Portale, G., Adamski, P. R., Blokhuis, A., Aalbers, F. S., Maric, I., Monreal Santiago, G., Ottele, J., Sood, A., Saggiomo, V., Liu, B., van der Meulen, P., Otto, S., Chem (2021), 7(7), 1933-1951
Synthesis of D-pi-A high-emissive 6-arylalkynyl-1,8-naphthalimides for application in organic field-effect transistors and optical waveguids Torres-Moya, I, Carrillo, J. R., Gomez, M. V., Velders, A. H., Donoso, B., Rodriquez, A. M., Diaz-Ortiz, A., Lopez Navarrete, J. T., Ponce Ortiz, R., Prieto, P., Dyes and Pigments (2021), 109358
MRM microcoil performance calibration and usage demonstrated on Medicago truncatula roots at 22 T van Schadewijk, R., Krug, J. R., Webb, A., Van As, H., Velders, A. H., de Groot, H. J. M., Alia, A. JOVE (2021), 167, e61266
Hooked on mushrooms: Preparation and mechanics of a bioinspired soft probablilistic fastener Sharma, P., Saggiomo, V., van der Doef, V., Kamperman, M., Dijksman, J. A., Biointerphases (2021), 011002
Denroids, discrete covalently cross-linked dendrimer superstructures Kaup, R., ten Hove, J. B., Velders, A. H., ACS Nano (2021), 15(1), 1666-1674
Fractionation platform for target identification using off-line directed two-dimensional chromatography, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance van der Laan, T., Elfrink, H., Azadi-Chegeni, F., Dubbelman, A., Harms, A. C., Jacobs, D. M., Braumann, U., Velders, A. H., van Duynhoven, J., Mankemeier, T., Analytica Chimica Acta (2021), 1142, 28-37
Integrating engineered point spread functions into the phasor-based single-molecule localization microscopy framework Martens, K. J. A., Jabermoradi, A., Yang, S., Hohlbein, J. Methods (2021), 193, 107-115
Synthesis of gold and silver dichroic nanoparticles; Looking at the Lycurgus cup colors Dekkers, F., Kool, L., BUnschoten, A., Velders, A. H., Saggiomo, V., Chem. Teach. Int. (2021), 3(1), 20190011
Dendrimicelles with pH-controlled aggregation number of core-dendrimers and stability Wang, J., Lei, L., Voets, I. K., Cohen Stuart, M. A., Velders, A. H., Soft Matter (2020), 16, 7893-7897
Coupling 3D printing and novel replica molding for in-house fabrication of skeletal muscle tissue engineering devices Luliano, A., van der Wal, E., Ruijmbeek, C. W. B., in 't Groen, S. L. M., Pijnapppel, W. W. M. P., de Greef, J. C., Saggiomo, V. Adv. Mater. Technol. (2020), 5, 2000344
Characterizing the structure of aerobic granular sludge using ultra-high field magnetic resonance Kirkland, C. M., Krug, J. R., Vergeldt, F. J., van den Berg, L., Velders, A. H., Seymour, J. D., Codd, S. L., Van As, H., de Kreuk, M. K., Water Science & Technology (2020), 82 (4), 627-639
Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of k-carrageenan gels investigated via single-particle-tracking fluorescence microscopy Martens, K. J. A., van Duynhoven, J., Hohlbein, J. Langmuir (2020), 36, 20, 5502-5509
Direct visualization of native CRISPR target search in live bacteria reveals cascade DNA surveilance mechanism Vink, J. N. A., Martens, K. J. A., VLot, M., McKenzie, R. E., Almendros, C., Estrada Bonilla, B., Brocken, D. J. W., Hohlbein, J., Brouns, S. J. J. Mol. Cell (2020), 77, 1, 39-50
All-aqueous emulsions as miniaturized chemical reactors in the food and bioprocess technology Madadlou, A. Saggiomo, V., Schroen, K., Fogliano, V. Curr. Op. Food Science (2020), 33, 165-172
Assessing spatial resolution, acquisition time and signal-to-noise ratio for commercial microimaging systems at 14.1, 17.6 and 22.3 T Krug, J. R., van Schadewijk, R., Vergeldt, F. J., Webb, A. G., de Groot, H. J. M., Alia, A., Van As, H., Velders, A. H., J. Magn. Resonan. (2020),316, 106770
- Response of metal-coordination-based polyelectrolyte complex micelles to added ligands and metals Wang, J., Guan, W., Tan, T., Saggiomo, V., Cohen Stuart, M. A., Velders, A. H., Soft Matter (2020), 16, 2953-2960
- Magnetic resonance microscopy at cellular resolution and localised spectroscopy of Medicago truncatula at 22.3 Tesla van Schadewijk, R., Krug, J. R., Shen, D., Sankar Gupta, K. B. S., Vergeldt, F. J., Bisseling, T., Webb, A. G., Van As, H., Velders, A. H., de Groot, H. J. M., Alia, A. Scien. Rep. (2020), 10, 971
- COvalent monolayer patterns in Microfluidics by PLasma etching Open Technology - COMPLOT Willems, S. B. J., Zegers, J., Bunschoten, A., Wagterveld, M., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Velders, A. H., Saggiomo, V. Analyst (2020), 145, 1629-1635
- Assembly, disassembly and reassembly of complex coacervate core micelles with redox-responsive supramolecular cross-linkers Facciotti, C., Saggiomo, V., Bunschoten, A., ten Hove, J. B., Rood, M. T. M., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Velders, A. H., ChemSystemsChem (2020), 2, e1900032
- Gold and silver dichroic nanocomposite in the quest for 3D printing the Lycurgus cup Saggiomo, V., Kool, L., Dekker, F, Bunschoten, A., Smales, G. J., Pauw, B. R., Velders, A. H., Beilstein J. Nanotech. (2020), 11, 16-23
- Oxidant-responsive ferrocene-based cyclodextrin complex coacervate core micelles Facciotti, C., Saggiomo, V., van Hurne, S., Bunschoten, A., Kaup, R., Velders, A. H., Supramol. Chem. (2020), 32 (1), 30-38
- On-flow immobilization of polystyrene microspheres on b-cyclodextrin patterned silica surfaces through supramolecular host-guest interactions Willems, S. B. J., Bunschoten, A., Wagterveld, M., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Velders, A. H., ACS Appl. Mat. Interfaces (2019), 11, 36221-36231
- Visualisation of dCas9 target search in vivo using an open-microscopy framework Martens, K. J. A., Beljouw, S. P. B., van der Els, S., Vink, J. N. A., Baas, S., Vogelaar, G. A., Brouns, S. J. J., van Baarlen, P., Kleerebezem, M., Hohlbein, J. Nature Comm. (2019), 10, 3552
- 3D biofilm visualization and quantification on granular bioanodes with Magnetic Resonance Imaging Caizán-Juanarena, L., Krug, J. R., Vergeldt, F. J., Kleijn, M., Velders, A. H., Van As, H., Ter Heijne, A., Water Research (2019), 167, 115059
- Evaluating single-particle tracking by photo-activation localization microscopy (sptPALM) in Lactococcus lactis van Beljouw, S. P. B., van der Els, S., Martens, K. J. A., Kleerebezem, M., Bron, P. A., Hohlbein, J. Phys. Biol. (2019) 16, 035001
- Covalently bound monolayer patterns obtained by plasma etching on glass surfaces Willems, S. B. J., Schijven, L. M. I., Bunschoten, A., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Velders, A. H., Saggiomo, V., ChemCom. (2019), 55, 7667-7670
- Self-assembly of oppositely charged polyelectrolyte block copolymers containing short thermoresponsive blocks van Hees, I. A., Swinkels, P. J. M., Fokkink, R. G., Velders, A. H., Voets, I. K., van der Gucht, J., Kamperman, M., Polymer Chemistry (2019), 10(23), 3127-3134
- Regulation of Plasmodium sporozoite motility by formulation components de Korne, C. M., Lageschaar, L. T., van Oosterom, M. N., Baalbergen, E., Winkel, B. M. F., Chevalley-Maurel, S. C., Velders, A. H., Franke-Fayard, B. M. D., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Roestenberg, M., Malaria Journal (2019), 18, 155
- Multimodal tracking of (controlled) Staphylococcus aureus infection in mice Welling, M. M., de Korne, C. M., Spa, S. J., van Willigen, D. M., Bunschoten, A., Duszenko, N., Smits, W. K., Roestenberg, M., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., ACS Inf. Dis. (2019), 5(7), 1160-1168
- Fluorescent imaging of bacterial infections and recent advances made with multimodal radiopharmaceuticals Welling, M. M., Hensbergen, A. W., Bunschoten, A., Velders, A. H., Scheper, H., Smits, W. K., Roestenberg, M., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Clin. Transl. Imaging (2019), 7(2), 125-138
- A tracer-based method enables tracking of Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasites during human skin infection Winkel, B. M. F., de Korne, C. M., van Oosterom, M. N., Staphorst, D., Bunschoten, A., Langenberg, M. C. C., Chevalley-Maurel, S. C., Janse, C. J., Franke-Fayard, B., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Roestenberg, M., Theranostics (2019), 9(10), 2768-2778
- Gold nanoparticles embedded in a polymer as a 3D-printable dichroic nanocomposite material, Kool, L., Bunschoten, A., Velders, A. H., Saggiomo, V., Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. (2019), 10, 442
- An update on radiotracer development for molecular imaging of bacterial infections Welling, M. M., Hensbergen, A. W., Bunschoten, A., Velders, A. H., Roestenberg, M., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Clin. Translat. Imaging (2019), 7(2), 105-124
- Manipulating and monitoring nanoparticles in micellar thin film superstructures ten Hove, J. B., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Velders, A. H., Nat. Comm. (2018), 9, 5207
- Size-controlled and water-soluble gold nanoparticles using UV-induced ligand exchange and phase transfer ten Hove, J. B., Schijven, L. M. I., Wang, J., Velders, A. H., Chem. Comm. (2018), 54, 13355-13358
- Phasor based single-molecule localization microscopy in 3D (pSMLM-3D): An algorithm for MHz localization rates using standard CPUs Martens, K. J. A., Bader, A. N., Baas, S., Rieger, B., Hohlbein, J. J. Chem. Phys. (2018) 148, 123311
- Cyclodextrin-based complex coacervate core micelles with tuneable supramolecular host-guest, metal-to-ligand and charge interactions Facciotti C., Saggiomo, V., Bunschoten, A., Fokkink, R., ten Hove, J. B., Wang, J., Velders, A. H., Soft Matter, (2018), 14(47), 9542
- Nanoparticles reveal extreme size-sorting and morphologies in complex coacervate superstructures ten Hove, J. B., van Oosterom, M. N., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Velders, A. H., Scien. Rep. (2018), 13820
- Sorting of molecular building blocks from solution to surface Keisar, H., de Ruiter, G., Velders, A. H., Milko, P., Gulino, A., Evmenenko, G., Shimon, L. J. W., Diskin-Posner, Y., Lahav, M., van der Boom, M. E., JACS (2018), 140(26), 8162-8171
- Pushing nuclear magnetic resonance sensitivity limits with microfluidics and photo-chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization Mompean, M., Sanchez-Donoso, R. M., de la Hoz, A. Saggiomo, V., Velders, A. H., Gomez, M. V., Nature Comm. (2018), 9(1), 108
- Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) shield for Arduino DNA detection Velders, A. H., Schoen, C., Saggiomo, V. BMC Research Notes (2018), 11(1), 93
- The influence of systematic structure alterations on the photophysical properties and conjugation characteristics of asymmetric cyanine 5 dyes Spa, S. J., Hensbergen, A. W., van der wal, S., Kuil, J., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Dyes and Pigments (2018), 152, 19-28
- Illumination of nanoliter-NMR spectroscopy chips for real-time photochemical reaction monitoring, Gomez, M. V., Juan, A., Jimenez-Marquez, F., de la Hoz, A., Velders, A. H., Anal. Chem. (2018), 90(3), 1542-1546
- Size-sorting and pattern formation of nanoparticle-loaded micellar superstructures in biconcave thin films, ten Hove, J. B., Wang, J., van Oosterom, M., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Velders, A. H., ACS Nano (2017), 11225-11231
- Dendrimer-encapsulated nanoparticle-core micelles as modular strategy for particle-in-a-box-in-a-box nanostructures, ten Hove, J. B., Wang, J., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Velders, A. H., Nanoscale (2017), 11(11), 18619-18623
- Lipid polymorphism in chloroplast thylakoid membranes - as revealed by 31P-NMR and time-resolved merocyanine fluorescence spectroscopy Garag, G., Ughy, B., de Waard, P., Akhtar, P., Javornik, U., Kotakis, C., Sket, P., Karlicky, V., Materova, Z., Spunda, V., Plavec, J., van Amerongen, H., Vigh, L., van As, H., Lambrev, P. H., Scientific Reports (2017), 7, 13343
- All-aqueous synthesis of silica-encapsulated quantum dots with functional shells Feng, H., ten Hove, J. B., Zheng, T., Velders, A. H., Sprakel, J., Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (2017), 5152-5157
- Metal-free [2+2]-photocycloaddition of (Z)-4-aryliden-5(4H)-oxazolones as straightforward synthesis of 1,3-diaminotruxillic acid precursors: synthetic scope and mechanistic studies Garcia-montero, A., Rodriguez, A. M., Juan, A., Velders, A. H., Denisi, A., Jimenez-Oses, G., Gomez-Bengoa, E., Cativiela, C., Gomez, M. V., Urriolabeitia, E. P., Sustainable Chem. Eng. (2017), 5, 8370-8381
- Hydrogel Actuators as Responsive Instruments for Cheap Open Technology (HARICOT) Velders, A. H., Dijksman, J. A., Saggiomo, V., Appl. Mat. Today, (2017), 9, 271-275
- Supramolecular virus-like nanorods by co-assembly of a triblock polypeptide and reversible coordination polymers Hernandez-Garcia, A., Velders, A. H., Cohen Stuart, M., de Vries, R., van Lent, J., and Wang, J., Chemistry, (2017), 23, 239-243
- Obtaining control of cell surface functionalizations via pre-targeting and supramolecular host guest interactions Rood, M.T.M., Spa, S.J., Welling, M.M., ten Hove, J.B., van Willigen, D.M., Buckle, T., Velders, A.H., van Leeuwen, F.W.B., Sci. Rep., (2017), 39908
- Hybrid imaging labels: providing the link between mass spectrometry-based molecular pathology and theranostics Buckle, T., van der Wal, S., van Malderen, S.J.M., Muller, L., Kuil, J., van Unen, V., Peters, R.J.B., van Bemmel, M.E.M., McDonnel, L.A., Velders, A.H., Koning, F., Vanhaeke, F., van Leeuwen, F.W.B., Theranostics, (2017), 7(3), 624-633
- Reaction pathways in catechol/primary amine mixtures: a window on crosslinking chemistry Yang, J., Saggiomo, V., Velders, A. H., Cohen Stuart, M. A., Kamperman, M., PLOS ONE, (2016), 11(12), e0166490
- Assembling quantum dots via critical Casimir forces Marino, E., Kodger, T.E., ten Hove, J. B., Velders, A.H., Schall, P., Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, (2016), 158(2), 154-159
- A clear coat from a water soluble precursor: a bioinspired paint concept Yang, J., Bos, I., Pranger, W., Stuiver, A., Velders, A. H., Stuart, M. A. C., and Kamperman, M., J Mater Chem A, (2016), 4(18), 6868-6877
- Revealing and tuning the core, structure, properties and function of polymer micelles with lanthanide-coordination complexes Wang, J. Y., Groeneveld, A., Oikonomou, M., Prusova, A., Van As, H., van Lent, J. W. M., and Velders, A. H., Soft Matter, (2016), 12(1), 99-105
- Synthesis and systematic evaluation of symmetric sulfonated centrally C-C bonded cyanine near-infrared dyes for protein labelling Van der Wal, S., Kuil, J., Valentijn, A. R. P. M., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Dyes and Pigm. (2016), 132, 7-19
- Ternary supramolecular quantum-dot network flocculation for selective lectin detection Oikonomou, M., Wang, J. Y., Carvalho, R. R., and Velders, A. H., Nano Res. (2016), 9(7), 1904-1912
- Receptor-targeted luminescent silver bionanoparticles Bunschoten, A., Chin, P.T.K., Buckle, T., van der Linden, M., Barendregt, A., Verheijen, M.A., van Leeuwen, F.W.B., Eur J Inorg Chem, (2016), 3030-3035
- Simple 3D Printed Scaffold-Removal Method for the Fabrication of Intricate Microfluidic Devices Saggiomo, V., and Velders, A. H., Adv Sci, (2015), 2(9), 1500125
- MMP-2/9-Specific Activatable Lifetime Imaging Agent Rood, M. T. M., Raspe, M., ten Hove, J. B., Jalink, K., Velders, A. H., and van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Sensors-Basel, (2015), 15(5), 11076-11091
- Accurate DOSY measure for out-of-equilibrium systems using permutated DOSY (p-DOSY) Oikonomou, M., Asencio-Hernandez, J., Velders, A. H., and Delsuc, M. A., J Magn Reson, (2015), 258, 12-16
- 2-Amino-4,4 alpha-dihydro-4 alpha,7-dimethyl-3H-phenoxazin-3-one as an unexpected product from reduction of 5-methyl-2-nitrophenol Jansze, S. M., Saggiomo, V., Marcelis, A. T. M., Lutz, M., and Velders, A. H., Tetrahedron Lett, (2015), 56(9), 1060-1062
- Lanthanide-Dipicolinic Acid Coordination Driven Micelles with Enhanced Stability and Tunable Function Wang, J., de Kool, R. H., and Velders, A. H., Langmuir, (2015), 31(44), 12251-12259
- Dipeptide recognition in water mediated by mixed monolayer protected gold nanoparticles Yapar, S., Oikonomou, M., Velders, A. H., and Kubik, S., Chem Commun (Camb), (2015), 51(75), 14247-14250
- Temperature controlled sequential gelation in composite microgel suspensions Appel, J., de Lange, N., van der Kooij, H. M., van de Laar, T., ten Hove, J. B., Kodger, T. E., Sprakel, J., Part. Part. Syst. Charact. (2015), 32, 764-770
- Towards 4th generation biomaterials: a covalent hybrid polymer-ormoglass architecture Sachot, N., Mateos-Timoneda, M.A., Planell, J.A., Velders, A.H., Lewandowska, M., Engel, E., Castano, O., Nanoscale, (2015), 7(37), 15349-15361
- A Simple low pressure drop suspension-based microfluidic mixer Workamp, M., Saggiomo, V., Dijksman, J.A., J. Micromech. Microeng. (2015), 25(9), 094003
- Determination of Kinetic Parameters within a Single Nonisothermal On-Flow Experiment by Nano liter NMR Spectroscopy Gomez, M. V., Rodriguez, A. M., de la Hoz, A., Jimenez-Marquez, F., Fratila, R. M., Barneveld, P. A., and Velders, A. H., Anal Chem, (2015), 87(20), 10547-10555
- Multinuclear nanoliter one-dimensional and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy with a single non-resonant microcoil Fratila, R. M., Gomez, M. V., Sykora, S., and Velders, A. H., Nat Commun, (2014), 5, 3025
- An Open Source Image Processing Method to Quantitatively Assess Tissue Growth after Non-Invasive Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Human Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Seeded 3D Polymeric Scaffolds Leferink, A. M., Fratila, R. M., Koenrades, M. A., van Blitterswijk, C. A., Velders, A. H., Moroni, L., PLOS ONE, (2014), 9(12), e115000
- Controlling the number of dendrimers in dendrimicelle nanoconjugates from 1 to more than 100 Wang, J. Y., Voets, I. K., Fokkink, R., van der Gucht, J., and Velders, A. H., Soft Matter, (2014), 10(37), 7337-7345
- Self-assembly triggered by self-assembly: Optically active, paramagnetic micelles encapsulated in protein cage nanoparticles Milian, J. G., Brasch, M., Anaya-Plaza, E., de la Escosura, A., Velders, A. H., Reinhoudt, D. N., Torres, T., Koay, M. S. T., Cornelissen, J. J. L. M., J. Inorg. Biochem. (2014), 36, 140-146
- Bias induced transition from an ohmic to a non-ohmic interface in supramolecular tunneling junctions with Ga2O3/EGaIn top electrodes Wimbush, K.S., Fratila, R.M., Wang, D., Qi, D., Liang, C., Yuan, L., Yakovlev, N., Loh, K.P., Reinhoudt, D.N., Velders, A.H., Nijhuis, C.A., Nanoscale (2014), 6, 11246-11258
- An activatable, polarity dependent, dual-luminescent imaging agent with a long luminescence lifetime Rood, M. T. M., Oikonomou, M., Buckle, T., Raspe, M., Urano, Y., Jalink, K., Velders, A. H., and van Leeuwen, F. W. B., Chem Commun, (2014), 50(68), 9733-9736
- Controlled mixing of lanthanide(III) ions in coacervate core micelles Wang, J. Y., Velders, A. H., Gianolio, E., Aime, S., Vergeldt, F. J., Van As, H., Yan, Y., Drechsler, M., de Keizer, A., Stuart, M. A. C., et al., Chem Commun, (2013), 49(36), 3736-3738
- Phosphorescence Imaging of Living Cells with Amino Acid-Functionalized Tris(2-phenylpyridine)iridium(III) Complexes Steunenberg, P., Ruggi, A., van den Berg, N. S., Buckle, T., Kuil, J., van Leeuwen, F. W. B., and Velders, A. H., Inorg Chem, (2012), 51(4), 2105-2114
- Small-Volume Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Fratila, R. M., and Velders, A. H., Annu Rev Anal Chem, (2011), 4, 227-249