WUR Library


Online bookshelf: Well-being

February 5, 2025

Studying and preparing for exams can be quite stressful as any student knows. In the Library you can find a small collection of encouraging books to help boost your happiness and well-being. The books are all chosen and recommended by the Surf your Stress team.


The gifts of imperfection : let go of who you think you're supposed to be and embrace who you are, by BreneĢ Brown


Huh?! : the Dutch art of flip-thinking, by Berthold Gunster


Grit : why passion and resilience are the secrets to success, by Angela Duckworth

Other selected books

More support at WUR

Student Training & Support (STS) offers practical workshops and short training courses for WUR students. Free and voluntary, you can work on your study skills, improve your (mental) well-being and explore your talents. Take a look at the STS website for the upcoming trainings in period 4.

Series online bookshelves

The Surf your Stress team selected the books for this bookshelf on well-being. In the coming months WUR Library will offer more online bookshelves on related subjects, for example, information literacy, scientific writing and presentation skills.