Online bookshelf: diversity & inclusion
Diversity & Inclusion Week 2-6 Oct. 2023 | Wageningen University & Research aims to create an inclusive culture in which all groups and individuals feel welcome. WUR Library has recently acquired several practical books to promote awareness of diversity and inclusion.
Books on inclusion and diversity
- Bouchallikht, K., & Papaikonomou Zoe (2021). De inclusiemarathon : over diversiteit en gelijkwaardigheid op de werkvloer (Vierde druk). Amsterdam University Press.
- Cupples, J., & Grosfoguel RamoĢn (Eds.). (2019). Unsettling Eurocentrism in the westernized university (Ser. Routledge research in new postcolonialisms). Routledge. (ebook)
- Essed, P., Farquharson, K., Pillay, K., & White, E. J. (Eds.). (2019). Relating worlds of racism : dehumanisation, belonging, and the normativity of European whiteness. Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-78990-3 (ebook)
- Challouki, H. (2021). Inclusieve communicatie : alles wat je moet weten om een divers publiek te bereiken. Pelckmans uitgevers.
- Formanek, K. (2021). Beyond d&i : leading diversity with purpose and inclusiveness. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-75336-8 (ebook)
- Kendi, I. X. (2019). How to be an antiracist. Bodley Head.
- Lodik, C. (2021). Het anti-racisme handboek. Lev. Boeken.
- Luyendijk, J. (2022). De zeven vinkjes : hoe mannen zoals ik de baas spelen (Eerste druk). Uitgeverij Pluim.
- Meyer, E. (2015). The culture map : decoding how people think, lead, and get things done across cultures (International edition. First). PublicAffairs.
- Stutgard, S., & Dipsaus Podcast (Eds.). (2020). De goede immigrant (Derde druk). Uitgeverij Pluim.
- Wekker, G. (2016). White innocence : paradoxes of colonialism and race. Duke University Press. (ebook)
- Wekker, G. (2021). Witte onschuld : paradoxen van kolonialisme en ras (Nieuwe editie). Amsterdam University Press.
- Wu, P. (2019). De bananengeneratie : over het dubbelleven van Chinese Nederlanders van nu. (Derde druk). Das Mag Uitgevers.
- Williams, S. (2021). Anti-racist ally : an introduction to action & activism. Amistad, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers.
You can borrow the print books in the Library and read the ebooks online. Please make sure you're logged in to get access.
DARE project
In 2021, the DARE project was started. The project aims to establish anti-discrimination policies, practices and procedures at WUR and to contribute to a culture of Decolonization, Anti-Racism, Anti-Discrimination, Equity and Equal Chances. For more information, please visit the website of the DARE project.
Series online bookshelves
WUR's diversity and inclusion officers have participated in selecting the books for this bookshelf. WUR Library has created several other online bookshelves on (academic) skills. The links are at the right-hand side of this news item.