Teachers of Animal Breeding and Genomics
Wageningen University & Research, Animal Breeding and Genomics (WUR-ABG) has approximately 120 internal and external (for example visiting PhD’s and guest researchers) employees, half of whom are employed by Wageningen Livestock Research (WLR) and the other half by Wageningen University (WU). Below you can see an overview of all the teachers at ABG. Check out their profiles to get an impression of who you may encounter during your courses and internships.
dr.ir. JWM (John) Bastiaansen
dr.ir. P (Piter) Bijma
dr. M (Mirte) Bosse
prof.dr.ir. H (Henk) Bovenhuis
prof.dr. MPL (Mario) Calus
dr. RPMA (Richard) Crooijmans
dr. MFL (Martijn) Derks
dr. HP (Harmen) Doekes
dr.ir. BJ (Bart) Ducro
dr.ir. P (Pascal) Duenk
dr. M (Marta) Godia Perello
prof.dr. MAM (Martien) Groenen
ir. AA (Alex) Hulzebosch
ir. DE (Dieuwertje) Lont
dr. O (Ole) Madsen
dr.ir. HJWC (Hendrik-Jan) Megens
dr. JJ (Jack) Windig
dr. MK (Manu) Gundappa
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