Halogenated Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in feed and food

Wageningen Food Safety Research is the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for research into persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in food and animal feed. By doing this, WFSR supports the Dutch government and ensures a high-quality standard in official food controls and compliance testing.

To guarantee the quality of our analysis, we participate in a large number of comparative tests each year.

Hard to break down

POPs are substances that are difficult to break down and, therefore, remain in our environment for a long time. In addition, these substances from the environment can accumulate in our food. And because many of these substances are toxic, it is essential that reliable research is done to have a clear picture of the risks for humans.

The POPs that WFSR investigates include the following compound classes:

  • Dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCDD/Fs and PCBs)
  • Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS, including PFOS and PFOA)
  • Chlorinated paraffins (CPs/PCAs)
  • Emerging and legacy brominated flame retardants (BFRs/BCons)
  • Other halogenated POPs of interest

Experts PFAS and CPs

WFSR’s experts on PFAS analysis are chairing the European Union Reference Laboratory for persistent organic pollutants (EURL POPs) Core Working Group PFAS. In this group, experts from laboratories across the European Union exchange the newest developments, improve the comparability of methods and lay down performance criteria that have been included in relevant European law.

Emerging and novel BCons

The list of newly developed and employed brominated compounds used as flame retardants in a variety of products constantly changes. In most cases, not much is known about their toxicity or effects on the environment. WFSR cooperates with laboratories throughout the European Union to develop and implement new analysis methods for these compounds. With this work, we strive to provide the Dutch government with information should any of these compounds become of interest.