Projects of the Education and Learning Sciences Group
This page provides an overview of ongoing projects as well as recently completed projects of the Education and Learning Sciences Group. This list is regularly updated and may not be complete. If you miss a project that should be included in this overview, please contact us. This list does not include the PhD-projects of ELS.
Ongoing projects
Recently completed projects
Archive of completed projects
- NRO overview studies "Teamleaders stimulating team development in vocational education"
- Aan de slag met “professionalisering vanuit de formatieve toetscyclus: train the trainer toolbox voor het HBO”
- Curriculum development in Sri Lanka
- Developing skills learning trajectories in the BSc
- SLAM - Strategic regulation of learning through Learning Analytics and Mobile clouds for individual and collaborative learning success
- Enhancing Responsible Research and Innovation through Curricula in Higher Education (EnRRICH)
- NRO overzichtsstudie “Leren voor breed ondernemerschap: analyse van leeractiviteiten en –uitkomsten”
2017 and before
2017 and before
- School in the Wood; an experience of a lifetime?
- Training BMW (Bachelor Environmental Sciences) students’ intercultural competence
- Teacher professional development to develop high quality assessment programmes in Prevocational Education (VMBO)
- Onderzoek: Docenten aan het roer van hun loopbaan
- Making entrepreneurship education more inclusive for non-western university students
- Learning in a local food network
- Sustainable food systems and sharing-based economies