Completed projects of the Forest & Nature Conservation Policy Group
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes: Third party auditing and information, between global forestry standards and local forestry management.
30 October 2014 -
Tropical Forests and Climate Change: developing a policy synergies for adaptation and mitigation in the Congo Basin
16 January 2013 -
Public support for nature policy is strong, but slightly decreasing
07 November 2014 -
Governance of biodiversity on agricultural landscapes
27 November 2017 -
Land use change and ecosystem services in Zona da Mata, Minas Gerais, Brazil
22 November 2017 -
18 January 2017 -
Moving beyond traditional diplomacy - Alliance on Climate Smart Agriculture
06 October 2014 -
Managing the consequences of timber legality standards on local livelihoods (Ghana and Indonesia)
12 April 2013