Completed projects of the Forest & Nature Conservation Policy Group
Understanding policy dynamics in the multi-actor and multi-level forest governance of Ethiopia
21 February 2013 -
Nature in Cities – a European Exploration
29 September 2014 -
Data democracy or deliberative democracy?
20 July 2012 -
Innovative governance arrangements for protection and sustainable use of biodiversity, nature and landscape
20 July 2012 -
Future-orientated integrated management of European Forest landscapes
19 July 2012 -
Ecological, economical and policy analysis of beech forest conservation under the Natura 2000 Network
19 July 2012 -
Measuring REDD+ Impacts: Analysis of Institutional Capacity for MRV and Practices of Forest Monitoring in Developing Countries
18 July 2013 -
Responsive Curriculum Development for Natural Resource Governance in Ghana: Design Implications and Stakeholder Roles
01 May 2013 -
Decision Making and Uncertainty: Potential of Scenario Planning in Forest Management in the Netherlands
14 September 2012 -
Invasiveness in the nature conservation debate: categories and standardized data in a wildlife-network
29 August 2012