dr. KAJ (Koen) Arts MSc MA

dr. KAJ (Koen) Arts MSc MA


See www.koenarts.com/wetenschap for the most up to date overview of activities and publications

Koen Arts is a Lecturer focussing on human dimensions of nature conservation. He often works from a political ecology perspective on topics such as: human-wildlife interaction and conflict; community-based conservation; applications of digital technologies; wild nature recreation; rewilding; and cultural aspects of conservation. He has worked in various places around the world, including India, Scotland and Brazil. His work features in prominent journals in the field, including: Ambio, Environmental Science and Policy, Land Use Policy, Restoration Ecology and Science of the Total Environment. Click here for a list of his scientific publications. Koen has edited an Ambio Special Issue on Digital Conservation, authored various other professional publications, and has peer-reviewed for more than twenty different scientific journals. 

He is course coordinator for the BSc course Forest, Nature, Society (FNP-11806); and for the MSc course Communities, Conservation and Development (FNP-31306).

A passionate conservationist, Koen also has a strong interest in green writing beyond academia. He is co-owner of Green Roots, a company that promotes nature skill, and co-founder and board member of Wildeor, a foundation that promotes positive relationships with nature. 



2015-   Lecturer Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group, Wageningen University, the Netherlands.

2015-2016   Research Fellowship (Science without borders, CNPq) 'Digital conservation in the Pantanal: Developing new political ecology perspectives on digital applications in natural resource conservation'. Pantanal Research Centre, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, Brazil.

2012-2014   Research Fellowship Natural Resource Conservation group, dot.rural, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom.

2008-2012   PhD in Biological Sciences (passed with no corrections required), University of Aberdeen and The James Hutton Institute, United Kingdom. Supervisors: Prof. Anke Fischer and Prof. René van der Wal. External examiner: Prof. Bill Adams, University of Cambridge.

2002-2008   BA and MA (cum laude) in Philosophy. Specialisation: social and political philosophy. Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

2003-2005   Interdisciplinary Honours Programme Certificate, extracurricular evening programme. Specialisation: theory of literature. Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

2001-2007   BSc and MSc (cum laude) in Forest and Nature Conservation. Specialisation: policy and management. Wageningen University, the Netherlands.