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Publications - SK (Sanne) Djojosoeparto
Core Publications
Strength of EU-level food environment policies and priority recommendations to create healthy food environments.
Eur J Public Health. -
How can National Government Policies Improve Food Environments in the Netherlands?
Int J Public Health. 67 -
How theory can help to understand the potential impact of food environment policies on socioeconomic inequalities in diet: An application of Bourdieu’s Capital Theory and the Scarcity Theory.
Eur J Public Health. 32(Supplement_4):iv66-iv70. -
Stakeholder views on the potential impact of a sugar-sweetened beverages tax on the budgets, dietary intake, and health of lower and higher socioeconomic groups in the Netherlands.
Arch Public Health. 78:125. -
Do financial constraint and perceived stress modify the effects of food tax schemes on food purchases: moderation analyses in a virtual supermarket experiment.
Public Health Nutrition