SK (Sanne) Djojosoeparto

SK (Sanne) Djojosoeparto

Postdoctoral researcher

Sanne Djojosoeparto works as a postdoctoral researcher at the chair group Consumption and Healthy Lifestyles. Her research focuses on policies influencing healthy and sustainable food environments. With her research, she aims to gain insight into how policies could be improved to create healthy and sustainable food environments. In addition, she aims to understand the differential impact of food environment policies on different socioeconomic groups. 

In the past years, she was involved in the following research programmes:

Policy Evaluation Network (PEN): as part of PEN, a JPI-HDHL-funded project and in collaboration with INFORMAS, we applied the Food-Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI).

  1. To provide an overview of national/EU level policies with a direct or indirect (potential) influence on food environments (For the Dutch report: click here) (For the EU report: click here)
  2. To assess the strength of national/EU level policies and identify implementation gaps, by non-government, independent experts
  3. To identify and prioritize policy and infrastructure support actions to improve food environments, by non-government, independent experts (For the Dutch report: click here) (For the EU report: click here)


Harnessing the Potential of Public Procurement for the Protein Transition -    Opportunities and barriers in educational settings, hospitals, prisons and governmental offices: This study aimed to provide insights into expert- and stakeholder views on the barriers and facilitators regarding the protein transition in public food procurement, and the required changes in order to unlock new pathways for the protein transition in public food procurement in the Netherlands.

National food environment monitoring system: Supported by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, we examined how to set-up a national system to monitor food availability and food promotions in supermarkets and other out-of-home food settings. The aim was to monitor the foodscape and to identify changes in food availability and promotions (e.g. envisaged by the National Prevention Agreement). For the report: click here.