WUR Library

IDs on popular search platforms

Each scientific search platform has its own system to link publications to a specific author. The following instructions show you how to create author IDs and associated profiles. You can also use these IDs to calculate your h-index.

Web of Science

Publons profiles are moved to the Web of Science Platform. From now on Web of Science Researcher Profiles are being used to track and manage your publications and peer reviews. This profile can put all your scholarly contributions in one place, including publications, citation metrics, peer reviews, and journal editing work. You can sync your profile with ORCID, which allows you to automatically update your ORCID profile.

Calculate your h-index on Web of Science:

  • Go to the WUR Library homepage
  • Log in as WUR user
  • Go to Web of Science (under ‘Databases & Collections)
  • Click on tab RESEARCHERS

    • Under ‘Name Search’ enter last name (plus possible name variants) and initials or first name
    • Alternatively – if you have a complete Web of Science Researcher ID that is linked to an ORCID - select ‘Author Identifiers’ and enter your ORCID or ResearcherID
    • On the Metrics dashboard on the right you will see your h-index
  • Or select the publications that you want to include and
  • Click on View Citation Report to see your h-index.

An extensive explanation of setting up a profile can be found here.


Scopus automatically groups publications that have the same author, affiliation, and subject area. Every separate set of publications is assigned a Scopus Author Identifier. As such, you may have more than one Scopus Author Identifier. But, you can have Scopus merge these profiles into one. You can then use your Scopus Author Identifier to fill your ORCID or to calculate your h-index.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar lets you create a profile to list all your publications. Google Scholar automatically assigns publications to your profile. You can manually add publications and remove publications that have been assigned incorrectly. Your h-index is also shown in your profile. This index is based on all your publications and citations in Google Scholar.