WUR Library


I can't log in to My Library. How can I fix this?

With the following instructions you can fix it yourself.

Automatic login fails

When you are already logged in to a computer within the WUR network, the Library tries to log you in automatically to 'My Library' as well. If you are working within the WUR network on your private laptop, you might experience login problems with certain browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer 11). You may be asked for a username/password. You can ignore this (cancel/annuleren or X).

If you experience this login failure, you may want to turn automatic login off for your private laptop. Log in to My Library manually and choose: 'Disable automatic login'.

Internet Explorer 11

When you use Internet Explorer 11, it may occur that the Log in does not work. When you follow the instructions you can fix it yourself.

  • Go to tools and select Internet options
  • Select the tab Security
  • Go to Trusted sites and click on Sites
  • Type *.wur.nl and switch off the check mark at 'Require server verification' (Add this website to the zone)
  • After you added the site this should be switched on again
  • Click on Close.