WUR Library


How can I request publications from other libraries?

If the document you are looking for is not available at WUR Library, you can request a book loan or article delivery from another library. Please note that for students this is not free service.

Find the item in WUR Library SearchGoogle Scholar or any other database e.g. Scopus. Click on the "Get it!" button, then click on the link "Submit a copy or loan request for this book/article".

Books for WUR staff will be sent to their office. Students will receive an email as soon as the reserved book is available for pick-up at the Library. You have seven days to pick up the requested item.

For article requests, you will be sent an email containing a link through which you can download the article.

Inter Library Loan (ILL) services are only available for WUR Students and Staff. 

    See for the pricelist and more info Ordering and document delivery.