WUR Library


Tool tip: track the online attention of your publications

April 9, 2020

How has your research been shared and discussed online? Which newspapers and blogs write about your publication? This tool tip introduces Altmetric Explorer, a tool to track the online reach and influence of your publications.

Altmetric Explorer

Using the Library’s license to Altmetric Explorer, you can track how much attention your research output (e.g. journal articles and datasets) is receiving in online sources such as, social media, newspapers, blogs, reference managers and policy documents. Altmetric Explorer lets you analyse and report on all your publications in one go.

The characteristic Donut Badge is used to visualise all the aggregated information. You might have seen the coloured donut on publisher platforms or on our own Research@WUR. The donut indicates how much and what type of attention a research output has received. Visit this page for more information on how altmetrics can provide complementary metrics for your publications.

Getting started

Go to the Altmetric Explorer and fill out your WUR email address. Select WUR in the next screen and login via SurfConnext with your WUR credentials.

You enter Altmetric Explorer via the Highlights page. At the start you see an overview of all mentions of WUR publications and the publications with the highest scores. Edit the search via the blue 'Edit Search' button at the top of the page. Fill out your name in the verified author field at the top of the search page and run your search.


Who’s saying what?

All your publications mentioned in the Altmetric Database are shown in the tab “Research Outputs”. From here you can go to the Altmetric Detail Pages of the publications. In the tab “Mention Sources” you'll find the sources that mention your publications the most, e.g., find out which Tweeter is mentioning your publications or which blog refers to your publications. You can save your search and choose if you wish to receive a daily, weekly or monthly update of the mentions.


On Altmetric for Researchers you can find tips and tutorials for researchers. Or you can watch this introductory video:

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Do you have more questions about altmetrics or Altmetric Explorer? Please contact Marleen Noomen or Ellen Fest.

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In the series of Tool tips, Library staff review handy research tools. Think of tools that can help you with publishing your research, accessing literature, and managing data. Interested in other tool tips? You can find them on the right-side of this page. Please let us know if you have a research tool that others might find handy.