WUR Library


Maximize the impact & visibility of your research: three simple steps

March 16, 2023

Having your article published is only the first step in making your research visible to the outside world. With these three steps, you can enhance your online presence, expand your outreach, and increase the impact of your scientific work.

Step 1 | Create a Scopus Author profile

Scopus automatically groups publications that have the same author, affiliation, and subject area. These sets of publications receive a Scopus Author Identifier. Sometimes more IDs are assigned to you. You can merge these sets into one Scopus Author profile to create a complete overview of your work. These profile pages are freely accessible. You can even use them in your CV.

In an automated workflow, the Library searches for scientific articles from WUR researchers in Scopus and will add these to Pure, our Research Information System. These articles will end up directly on your publication overview in Research@WUR.

You can read more about Scopus Author profiles and how to merge multiple IDs into one, in our new intranet group on Research Information & Intelligence Services.

Step 2 | Create an ORCID iD and connect it with Pure

The ORCID iD is a non-commercial initiative to create unique researcher identifiers that you own and control yourself. An ORCID iD distinguishes you from other researchers and prevents author misidentification. You can include professional information, for example, affiliations, grants, publications and peer review activities in your ORCID profile. To automatically update your ORCID with new research output, you can set up a workflow from Pure to ORCID. All publications registered in Pure will directly be sent to your ORCID profile. In your ORCID profile, you can control the visibility settings for individual publications. You can use this manual to establish the Pure-ORCID-Pure connection.

Stap 3 | Set your Research@WUR profile to public

Research@WUR gives an overview of a researcher's expertise, publications, collaboration networks and activities that are registered in Pure. If your Research@WUR profile is not set to public yet, you can make it public by using the settings on your We@WUR profile page. You can also include your Research@WUR profile in your publication lists in We@WUR to show it on your WUR personal website. Check out this page to learn more about We@WUR.

Support & Information

Have a look at our intranet group about Research Information & Intelligence Services. You can also join the webinar on Research visibility & impact - WUR on 27 June. Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have, we're happy to help you.