WUR Library


How to remove copyrighted material from StudeerSnel?

March 7, 2025

StudeerSnel and Stuvia are popular platforms for students to exchange summaries and study notes. When a student makes a summary, sharing it on the web is lawful and beneficial. However, sharing copyrighted materials such as lecture slides and assignments from WUR courses is copyright infringement. You can ask StudeerSnel to remove copyright-protected materials.

If you, as a teacher, come across your educational materials on StudeerSnel, you can do the following:

  1. When a student has uploaded copyrighted material under their name, ask them to remove the document.
  2. When the copyrighted material has been uploaded anonymously, you can follow the Take down procedure of StudeerSnel. See the instructions on how to do this below.

How to submit a take-down request at StudeerSnel

  1. Go to https://www.studocu.com/nl/support/copyright.
  2. Choose under "Who is impacted?" For "My Company, organisation, or client".
  3. Provide the URL to the infringing material on Studeersnel.
  4. Under “Takedown reason” fill in "The copyright rests with the institution and may not be used outside of it".
  5. Fill in your WUR contact information. Use for the postal address: Droevendaalsesteeg 4, 6708 PB Wageningen, and also provide your WUR email address.
  6. Then, check all boxes before signing the form.

After submitting the form, the material will be removed as quickly as possible and Studeersnel should make sure it does not get uploaded again.

Recommendations to students

Are you a student and do you use these platforms to share educational material from WUR courses? Make sure to follow copyright law. You are not allowed to share lecture slides, assignments, readers, or any other course material from WUR. You are allowed to share materials you wrote yourself, such as summaries or other notes.

Do you see copyright infringements on platforms other than StudeerSnel? Please contact the Copyright Information Point for guidance. Go to Copyright in teaching materials for more information.