Ten simple rules for PhD-ing at our best

WIAS Magazine - Winter edition 2023

The PhD is a journey, and it can be useful to get some tips and tricks to help along the way. The ‘Ten Simple Rules’ are one of those things! The first time I came across one of these ‘Ten simple rules’ editorial articles was when I attended the Project and Time Management course offered by WGS (which I highly recommend, by the way). The course facilitator shared an article with us: Ten Simple Rules for Finishing Your PhD (1). It was a fast read, with some useful ideas and general advice written by someone who had done a PhD. Then, a while later, when reading about mental health and work life balance, I came across another short article called Ten simple rules to improve academic work-life balance (2). I started thinking, is there a theme here? One would think as a PhD candidate, I would go on a search, but the truth is it quickly went on the back of my mind. So, it was only later, during the Scientific Publishing course, that once again I came across another ten simple rules: Ten Simple Rules for Writing Research Papers (3), and Ten simple rules for writing a response to reviewers (4).

Finally, I decided this must be an actual series! I went on a hunt and found the ‘Ten simple rules’ collection in PLOS Computational Biology editorials (5). It is a collection of several different editorial articles, each with ten simple rules as the name clearly suggests about several different academia & research topics. The categories range from Career Development and Choices, Practicing More Disciplined and Organized Science, Scientific communication, and Self-study/Learning habits, among others.

Besides the articles mentioned previously, I am sharing a few more of these short, bite-sized articles that could be useful, and a point of reference to go back and remember:

  • Ten simple rules for scientists: Improving your writing productivity (6)
  • Ten simple rules for structuring papers (7)
  • Ten simple rules for responsible referencing (8)
  • Ten Simple Rules for a Good Poster Presentation (9)

During a PhD and generally in academia & research, there is always a lot to read all the time, but a break for some short and lighter read might be just what you need!


1. Marino J, Stefan MI, Blackford S. Ten Simple Rules for Finishing Your PhD. PLoS Comput Biol. 2014 Dec 1;10(12).

2. Bartlett MJ, Arslan FN, Bankston A, Sarabipour S. Ten simple rules to improve academic work- life balance. Vol. 17, PLoS Computational Biology. Public Library of Science; 2021.

3. Zhang W. Ten Simple Rules for Writing Research Papers. Vol. 10, PLoS Computational Biology. Public Library of Science; 2014.

4. Noble WS. Ten simple rules for writing a response to reviewers. Vol. 13, PLoS Computational Biology. Public Library of Science; 2017.

5. PLOS Collections. Ten Simple Rules [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2023 Dec 7]. Available from: https://collections.plos.org/collection/ten-simple-rules/

6. Peterson TC, Kleppner SR, Botham CM. Ten simple rules for scientists: Improving your writing productivity. Vol. 14, PLoS Computational Biology. Public Library of Science; 2018.

7. Mensh B, Kording K. Ten simple rules for structuring papers. Vol. 13, PLoS Computational Biology. Public Library of Science; 2017.

8. Penders B. Ten simple rules for responsible referencing. Vol. 14, PLoS Computational Biology. Public Library of Science; 2018.

9. Erren TC, Bourne PE. Ten simple rules for a good poster presentation. Vol. 3, PLoS Computational Biology. Public Library of Science; 2007. p. 0777–8.