WIAS Magazine - Winter edition 2023

The WAPS, or WIAS PhD Council, is a group of PhD students working together to represent the interests of PhD students within our graduate school, WIAS. We have a say in multiple other councils and committees, all focused on ameliorating the conditions for our fellow PhD students, and trying to connect doctoral students throughout WIAS. Currently, we are looking for new members to help us carry out our tasks! We're looking for, amongst others, ACCIE members, education committee members, and another WDC representative. Being a general board member is also possible.

Of course, you can always join a meeting to meet us all and find out more about what we do. You can also always approach us with questions.

Marwa Ahmed - Chair of WAPS


I am Marwa Ahmed, current chair of the WAPS. I am a PhD candidate in the Experimental Zoology and Aquaculture and Fisheries groups (started in October 2022). My PhD project is about the co-evolution of the placenta and the maternal immune system in live-bearing fish. As chair, I hope to create a better and more robust structure within WAPS and good connections between the WAPS and all the PhD candidates within WIAS. Our goal as WAPS is to act in the best interests of all WIAS PhD candidates, so I hope we can reach every PhD candidate and ensure that you know where to find us when facing issues, having ideas on how to improve the PhD program/experience, but also just to socialize with your fellow PhD colleagues. So please feel welcome to approach us during an event or in the hallway or find us via our email address.

Erin Henry


My name is Erin. I’m a third year PhD candidate, originally from New York, and the current secretary of WAPS. I moved to the Netherlands to pursue my MSc at Radboud University and later decided to continue with my PhD at Wageningen. My research is part of the SPRINT project (Sustainable Plant Protection Transition), where I focus on the impacts of pesticide mixtures on honeybees and other non-target, beneficial insects. When I’m not out in the field getting stung, you can find me hiking, cooking, reading, playing the piano, or out in the city with friends.

After helping to organize the WIAS Annual Conference in 2021, I decided to join WAPS to be better connected with the graduate school and to represent both my chair groups (WEC & HMI) and fellow PhD candidates. I hope we can continue to strengthen our connection with PhDs and help them through what can be a challenging experience!

Marije Steensma - EC member


Hi! My name is Marije Steensma and I am a first year PhD at the Animal Breeding and Genomics group. In my PhD, I get the opportunity to combine my hobby and work. I am breeding with Friesian horses myself and during my PhD I will focus on developing a genetic management plan to conserve the Friesian horse breed. Creating a large DNA database for the Friesian horse will help us to assess the amount of genetic diversity and how to conserve this, while selecting against the genetic disorders the Friesian horse breed is suffering from. I am in close contact with the KFPS studbook, which are also funding this research. This enables a good connection between research and practice.

I recently joined the Education Committee (EC) of the WAPS. I hope to contribute to the EC by making sure that there is a large variety of high quality courses available for PhD students. Feel free to contact me if you have ideas about courses or think some courses are missing in the program. Hope to see you around!

Sudip Debnath - EC member


I am a Bangladeshi PhD candidate working at the Aquaculture and Fisheries (AFI) group. My project reflects on novel shrimp feeds (nutritional interventions) to mitigate negative impacts of challenging conditions. I joined WAPS in 2022 to understand how PhD researchers contribute to shaping PhD education at Wageningen University. I am having fun and I believe that taking part will both benefit me and provide new perspectives on the structure of PhD education.

Logan Binch - Member of WDC


I am an English PhD candidate at the Aquaculture and Fisheries (AFI) chair group within WIAS. My research focuses on modelling food web dynamics in the North Sea ecosystem, to investigate how different fisheries management decisions can impact fish populations, and subsequently fishers. I work in collaboration with researchers throughout Europe as part of the Horizon 2020, SEAwise project. Together we aim to provide a management tool that can be used to operationalise Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management (EBFM).

I have been a member of WAPS since June 2022 and have held the position of representative for animal sciences in the Wageningen PhD Council (WDC) since that time. The WDC is composed of the six graduate schools of Wageningen University and was created to address common issues on behalf of Doctoral candidates WUR-wide. Most recently I have worked together with representatives of the Academic Board and Wageningen Graduate Schools as part of a committee looking into changes to the current Doctoral Regulations in response to the rapid adoption of Generative AI tools.

Ilva Noa Stellingwerf - WDC representative for WAPS


My name is Ilva Noa; I am a first year PhD candidate working on the improvement of canine gut health using a porcine derived protein source. I joined the WAPS to represent the two chair groups I am a member of (ANU and CBI) and aim to represent the interests of PhDs in both groups. Additionally, I hope to represent the benefits of PhD candidates that carry out much wet lab work, both within WAPS and the Wageningen Doctoral (?) Council.

I have joined the WIAS magazine to get to know other PhD candidates and learn more about the research done here, and will also try to represent the interests of the magazine in the WAPS.

Outside of work, I volunteer for multiple astronomy associated organizations, including through my position in the board of the Royal Dutch Society for Meteorology and Astronomy (KNVWS).

Mohak Gujare - WAPS general member


My name is Mohak Gujare, I am from Mumbai, India. I’m a first year PhD candidate in Animal Sciences, working in the Host-Microbe Interactomics lab at Wageningen University and Research. Even though I’m a bit of a germ freak, I’m working on microbiome signatures and bacterial diversity of pig intestinal health research using data mining and machine learning approaches. Apart from consistently sticking to computer screens for data analysis, I joined WAPS council as a general member. WAPS gives me a platform to meet fellow PhD candidats who are interested in discussing research in general and share the love for science. My role in WAPS is to represent my chair group and my fellow PhD colleagues’ concerns, providing my insights into improvements and reaching out to new PhD candidates.

Besides my 9:00 – 17:00 researching job, I love to cook, read, watch movies, sometimes party and experiment with cocktails.

Inês Marcelino - WAPS general member


Hi, I’m Inês, I come from Portugal, and undertake my PhD research at QVE.

In WAPS, I have been one the members of Accie, and now I am continuing as a General member. Accie organizes activities for all PhDs at WIAS. By taking on this role, my goal was to create more connection between all PhDs from all chair groups, so we can share experiences and have some fun outside of work! And as a General member, I hope to continue helping my WAPS colleagues with different tasks and where needed.

When not in the office or the nature reserve I conduct research at, you can find me exploring and walking in nearby nature or reading (mostly fiction) books.

Lieke Rongen


Hi, my name is Lieke Rongen, I am a first year PhD candidate in quantitative veterinary epidemiology. My research focusses on how environmental factors drive individuals to become more (or less) important in disease transmission. I recently joined the WAPS as a general member and am still determining which role to take on in the future. I decided to join the WAPS to meet new people outside my chair group and connect with the graduate school.

When I am not working you can find me spending time with my horse, training on the survival track at the Bongerd, or exploring the beautiful surroundings of Wageningen.