Sustainable Land Use
Sustainable Land Use ensures a fair and balanced distribution of land, water, biodiversity and other environmental resources between the various competing claims, in order to secure human needs now and in the future.
Cooperate with us for Sustainable Land Use
Wageningen Environmental Research integrates knowledge on soil, water, biodiversity and environmental management in order to address conflicting claims to natural resources, while maintaining social and economic security and preserving the environment. We develop this knowledge for partners in education, policy, private businesses and investment companies.
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- Sustainable Land Use: Facilities and products
- Sustainable Land Use: Research projects
- Sustainable Land Use: News and Calendar
- Sustainable Land Use: Videos
Download our fact sheets
- Land rehabilitation: A global approach for local solutions
- Sustainable pesticide management: Ensuring sustainable use of natural resources
- Soil fertility management: Tools to improve farm soil fertility management – anywhere
- Making your data come alive: Our high-quality data makes effective policies possible
- Integrated land use planning: Combining communities, wildlife and tourism
- Sustainable development of African growth corridors: Integrated solutions for positive trade-off between economic and environmental outcomes
- Working with the European Environment Agency (EEA) topic centres & service contracts
Chair groups involved in this programme
Education at WUR
- MOOC: 'Landscape Governance: Collaborating Across Sectors and Scales'
- MOOC: 'Landscape Finance: Investing in Innovation for Sustainable Landscapes'
- MOOC: Soil4Life: 'Sustainable Soil Management'
- MOOC: 'Drainage in Agriculture: controlling water and salt levels in the soil'
- Bachelor's 'Soil, Water, Atmosphere'
- Bachelor 'Landschapsarchitectuur en Ruimtelijke Planning'
- Bachelor's 'International Land and Water Management'
- Master's 'Earth and Environment'
- Master's 'Geo-Information Science'
- Master's 'International Land and Water Management'
- Master's 'Landscape Architecture and Planning'
- Soil Physics Laboratory
- Chemical Biological Soil Laboratory (CLBL)
- GEODESKGeodesk
- Dutch Soil Information System (SIS)
- Wageningen University & Research Unmanned Aerial Remote Sensing Facility (UARSF)
Maps, software and models
- GridWalk/SmallSteps: a movement model, simulating movement through an abitrarily complex heterogeneous landscape.
- WOCAT: World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies
- Land Cover in the Netherlands for 2012 according to European CORINE standard - CLC2006, CLC2012 and the CLC-changes2006-2012 land cover databases are available for the Netherlands.
- User-Centered Design Framework - Wageningen Environmental Research wants to make its data and research results better accessible to non-scientists.
- WOFOST (WOrld FOod STudies)is a simulation model for the quantitative analysis of the growth and production of annual field crops.
- SWAP (Soil, Water, Atmosphere and Plant) simulates transport of water, solutes and heat in unsaturated/ saturated soils.
- BioESoil: This tool has been developed by Wageningen Environmental Research and CLM to assess the impacts of bio-energy on soil quality.