Environmental Policy Group
The increasing globalisation of environmental issues, debates, practices and governance is reflected in the department's international research and education efforts, as well as in the variety of nationalities of our staff, PhD and MSc students.
News and Agenda
“We have to take control,” says philosopher Paulan Korenhof on AI
Special issue on Reflexive Marine Governance is out
Inauguration Prof.dr. Ingrid Boas
From everyday practices to policy: Food safety concerns and strategies among the urban poor in retail environments in Bangladesh
Antarctica: balancing conservation and tourism in a fragile frontier
Former rector Arthur Mol receives honorary doctorate in Warsaw
Ingrid Boas: ‘I want to contribute to a just and multifaceted approach to climate change and human mobility’
Guidebook on systems of co-management in aquaculture
Impact Explorer Award for Aarti Gupta: Beyond the status quo
The Conversation article: why solar geoengineering isn't such a bright idea
Latest publications
ENP Research Themes
Our Circularity research contributes to understanding circularity transformations focussing on how circular social practices emerge and scale up, and with what socio- and environmental implications.
Global efforts to combat biodiversity loss reflect a plurality of social and political approaches to protecting, rebuilding, rewilding, and caring for natures in the 21st Century. Our research examines their implications for governing human-nature relations in the Anthropocene.
Food, an essential part of everyday life, involves critical sustainability challenges from production through to processing, trade, consumption and waste. Our research ranges from local practices to global value chains, involving critical analyses with the purpose of driving positive change.
Combatting climate change requires more than technical solutions and asks for transformative social and political actions too. Yet, all too often, climate policy proves slow and unjust. This makes questions of equity and effectiveness central to our aims studying architectures, networks, and technologies of present and future climate governance.
Transitions towards a renewable energy system bring new roles for users, communities and providers, creating challenges for inclusive and effective governance. Our research asks how transitions towards sustainable energy can be enabled locally and internationally: what do transitions mean for everyday citizen engagement and for the socio-material organisation of energy-water-food systems and infrastructures across scales?
Media and Press
Wageningen Centre of Sustainability Governance (WCSG)
The ENP group is a part of the Wageningen Centre of Sustainability Governance (WCSG)— an interdisciplinary group of governance scholars contributing knowledge on the design, functioning and implications of sustainability governance arrangements in the Wageningen domain of food, nature and environment.