WUR Library

Courtsy photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/mendeley


Mendeley is a free-web and desk-based reference manager and an academic social network.

Mendeley can help you to organize your research and to collaborate with other researchers. Mendeley has several special features, including syncing between Mendeley desktop and the Mendeley web account; always access from another computer, Iphone of Ipad; importing and organizing PDFs and sharing articles and PDFs with other Mendeley users.

How to obtain and register Mendeley

You can download the Mendeley Reference Manager software for free (Windows, iOS, Linux) from www.mendeley.com Use your WUR or a personal email address to create an account. Do not use the “sign in via your institution” option.

On WUR computers and laptops, you can install the most recent version of Mendeley through the WUR Software Center. You can find the WUR Software Center via the Windows “start” button.

Do not forget to install the add-in Mendeley Cite. Check the WUR IT knowledge base for detailed instructions.

If you already use Mendeley, you can upgrade your current library. In this news item, we explain how to do it.

Web importer

From www.mendeley.com you can install the "Web Importer". The Web Importer is a browser plugin that allows you to select and import references into your Mendeley library while searching in systems like Scopus, Google Scholar, and PLoS.

Output styles

Mendeley uses an open standard to define output styles (CSL - Citation Style Language). You can import a style from its web location using the URL. Important collections of CSL files are available on the Zotero Style Repository and github official repository for CLS


With its free account Mendeley allows you to create public groups and private groups. In public groups you can exchange references, but not PDFs. You can also create as many public groups as you want. In private groups you can also exchange PDFs, but you may create only 5 private groups for up to 25 users. If your team needs a larger private group, get in touch with the library to discuss the possibilities. Send your request to our service desk.