Information literacy
The Library teaches information literacy in Bachelor and Master programmes.
Definition information literacy
Information literacy is an academic skill to deal with vast amounts of information. It is about "knowing when and why you need information, where to can find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner." (CILIP, 2004, p. 2)
Information literacy in study programmes
The Library teaches information literacy in most Bachelor programmes. For Master students, information literacy is offered as one of the modular skills courses YLI-65100 Finding and using literature for your MSc thesis. It is also part of the course YMC-61303 Scientific Skills Training.
PhD candidates have their own training sessions.
The Library also develops course materials on the subject. The
e-learning modules used in the MSc and BSc study programmes can be used for self-study as well.
Bachelor and Master courses in which the Library teaches information literacy
Open the expandable text below to check in which courses the library teaches information literacy.
Bachelor study programmes
Animal Science (BAS)
Biosystems Engineering (BAT)
- FTE-12303 Introduction Biosystems Engineering part 1
- FTE-12803 Introduction Biosystems Engineering part 2
- FTE-25806 Research Methods Biosystems Engineering
Management and Consumer Studies (BBC)
Biology (BBI)
Forest and Nature Conservation (BBN)
- PEN-20503 Ecology II
- FNP-11806 Forest, Nature, Society
- FEM-10306 Ecology of Forests
- FNP-21306 Management of Forest and Nature Organisations
- FEM-20909 Forest and Nature Conservation II - Management Planning and Tools
Biotechnology (BBT)
Communication and Life Sciences (BCL)
Economics and Governance (BEB)
- RHI-10806 Economics and Governance in Historical Perspective
- YSS-10906 Analysis of a Problem Situation
Environmental Sciences (BES)
Food Technology (BFT)
Health and Society (BGM)
- CPT-12306 Introduction to Strategic Communication
- HSO-10806 Introduction to Health and Society
- HSO-31306 Systematic Reviews in Health and Society
International Land and Water Management (BIL)
International Development Studies (BIN)
- CPT-12306 Introduction to Strategic Communication
- RHI-10506 Introduction to International Development Studies
- YSS-10906 Analysis of a Problem Situation
Landscape Architecture and Planning (BLP)
- YWU-10803 Introduction Environmental Science
- GEO-10306 Human Geography
- LAR-28806 Concepts and Approaches in Landscape Architecture
Molecular Life Sciences (BML)
- BPE-13303 Introduction to Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology
- BIC-10807 Molecular Life Sciences
Plant Sciences (BPW)
Soil, Water, Atmosphere (BSW)
Tourism (joint degree) (BTO)
- Introduction on Campus Wageningen
Nutrition and Health (BVG)
Master study programmes
Choice course for all Master
Animal Science (MAS)
Bioinformatics (MBF)
Biobased Sciences (MBS)
Biotechnology (MBT)
Development and Rural Innovation (MDR)
Food Safety (MFS)
Food Technology (MFT)
International Land and Water Management (MIL)
Management, Economics and Consumer Studies (MME)
Nutritional Epidemiology and Public Health (MNHDL)
Organic Agriculture (MOA)
Master Spec. Agroecology DD (MOADD)
Plant Biotechnology (MPB)
- YPS-10301 Wageningen Scientific Preparation Week MPS, MPB, MOA
- LAW-32306 Intellectual Property Rights
Plant Sciences (MPS)
- YPS-10301 Wageningen Scientific Preparation Week MPS, MPB, MOA
- YPS-60315 Plant Breeding Design Cluster
Urban Environmental Management (MUE)