WUR Library


How to use WUR Library Search

What is WUR Library Search?

With WUR Library Search you search in a collection of millions of journal articles, books, proceedings and reports. WUR Library Search covers most of WUR Library’s resources, including the Library Catalogue, bibliographic databases and Staff Publications.

How to search

By default, you search via the simple search box. In the results page you can filter the search results by author, local collections, format, databases to search, publication year etc. With the option 'Retain filters' you can save your selection for a new search.

In 'Advanced Search' you can use the search index to select an appropriate field and to combine search terms with the operators OR, NOT and AND. You can consult Search in WorldCat Discovery for help. For a systematic topic search, go to the tips and advice on Searching for literature.

Start a new search by typing new terms in the search box or by clicking on the logo Wageningen University & Research in the green bar. Clicking on the logo will take you back to the start page.

The search results: Get it!

The blue button in the results list provides the link to the full text of a publication, if available. If you cannot directly access the publication online, open the record to see if the publication is in print or in the Library's e-depot.

Not everything you find via WUR Library Search is physically or digitally available at WUR Library. But if you need the source, you can order the book or article via the Get-it button.

The search results: Cite - Share - Save

On the top right corner of the record, you will find three buttons: 'Cite', 'Share', and 'Save.

Use 'Cite' (top right corner of the record) to export the results to EndNote or another program.

Use 'Share' to copy a link to this result and/or to send the results by mail.

Search results or separate hits can be saved in My items. Used the 'Save' button on the top right corner of the record. You have to be signed in (upper right corner) to use this feature.

Your search: Save and repeat

When you would like to repeat or edit a search later on, sign in to WUR Library Search and do the search. In the results screen the option 'Save this search' is now available on the top right. Clicking on this link will save the search in 'Saved Searches'. You can save a maximum of 100 searches.

Library Resources

'Resources' (in the top grey balk) gets you directly to My Library, the WUR journal browser, A-Z journals and Support information.