WUR Library


Guide to Creative Commons for Scholarly Publications and Educational Resources

October 30, 2020

The Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), together with the Dutch consortium of university libraries and the National library of The Netherlands (UKB) and the Dutch Research Council (NWO), has published a handy guide on licensing scientific publications and teaching materials.

Creative Commons licences

Most publishers will ask you to choose a Creative Commons (CC) licence when publishing your work open access. Research funders are also increasingly stipulating which CC licence has to be used. This is to ensure that the research they fund is reused as widely as possible.

But, what are these licences and are they different from copyright? Which one should you choose for your paper or book and which one for your teaching materials?

About the guide

The guide aims to help researchers answering these and other questions through short clear-cut chapters and frequently asked questions. You can download the guide here:

The new guide is adapted from a guide that was written a few years ago for researchers based in the UK. It has been updated and tailored to the Dutch situation by a working group under the auspices of the Dutch Research Council (NWO).


If you have a question or need assistance with using Creative Commons licences please email to the Copyright Information Point.