Diversity and inclusion
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is striving for an inclusive campus. A university and employer where talent is allowed to grow and flourish. Where differences are allowed, with the common goal of "To explore the potential of nature and to improve the quality of life".
Wageningen University & Research believes that diversity and inclusion make a significant contribution to the quality of our education and research. Our more than 13,000 students and more than 6,500 staff form an inspiring, creative and multicultural population. They come from more than 100 countries and have different backgrounds, religious beliefs, sexual orientations, gender identities or functional limitations.
Wageningen University & Research aims to create an inclusive culture in which all groups and individuals feel welcome. Their voices are heard, valued and respected. We enable all students and staff to participate fully in their studies and careers at WUR.
To promote and encourage inclusion, we offer, among other things, advice and support on personal and team development, (international) communication skills, career development, welfare and study skills. We focus on all aspects of diversity.