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Projecten - dr.ir. M (Martijn) Duineveld

See: martijnduineveld.com/projects/

Postgraduate supervision

Cheryl van Adrichem | 2022 – present | The impact of tourism and tourism transportation on climate change | 

Rijina Bajracharya | 2022 – present | Rural migrants in rapidly urbanising neighbourhoods. The case of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal | 

Rodrigo Alves Rolo | 2015 – 2022  | Beyond the planning void. The renaissance of spatial planning in Argentina in the 21st Century |  Download PDF

Christine Ampumuza | 2016-2021 | Batwa, Gorillas and the Ruhija Road: a relational perspective on controversies at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda | Download PDF

Harald Buitendijk | 2015-2021 | Beware of chameleons – chameleons beware! The propriety of innovation as a concept for the coordination of novelty and change. Insights from the Dutch travel industry | Download PDF

Arjaan Pellis | 2014 – 2019 |Conflicts Forever. Understanding the Role of Conflicts in Conservation Tourism |  Download PDF

Iulian Barba Lata | 2011-2017 | The spatiotemporal conditions of innovation processes | 

Radhika Borde | 2011 – 2017 | Sacred Land and the Politics of Voice: The strategic representation of indigeneity, in activism against land acquisition by mining companies – a focus on India