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Projecten - ir. AM (Ariette) Matser
SHIFT-SALT:Naar gezonde diƫten door zoutreductie in soepen en sauzen
SHIFT-SALT:Naar gezonde diëten door zoutreductie in soepen en sauzen - WUR Project SHIFT-SALT:Naar gezonde diëten door zoutreductie in... -
1.1 Inherently safe and healthy food products
1.1 Inherently safe and healthy food products - WUR Project 1.1 Inherently safe and healthy food products The world is confronted with a large amount... -
Structured plant-based products with scalable and economic technologies
Structured plant-based products with scalable and economic technologies - WUR Project Structured plant-based products with scalable and economic... -
FOX: Food in a bOX
FOX: Food in a bOX - WUR Project FOX: Food in a bOX FOX (Food in a bOX) is aimed at creating added-value in regional production areas through... -
Plant Meat Matters
The high and increasing consumption of products from animal origin is one of the key factors causing current routes for food production to be...