Immune cell dynamics
Customisable nanoparticles show great potential for imaging and advanced personalised medicine applications, such as cell therapies, immunomodulation, and cell tracking studies using multimodal imaging. Prof. Mangala Srinivas’ group works with a range of imaging modalities, incl. fluorescence, MRI, PET, SPECT, ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging in different disease models, particularly cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Next to chemical signals, physical cues govern immune cell functioning. Daan Vorselen’s group focuses on mechanobiology and subcellular dynamics of immune cells. We use high-resolution (fluorescence) microscopy, molecular biology approaches and develop new biophysical approaches, such as deformable microparticles that act both as cellular mimics and force sensors. We specifically focus on the influence of physical forces on immune cell behavior. For more information on this research see: https://vorselenlab.com/