People of the Animal Production Systems Group
Chair holder
JJ (Jeanine) Baars
Management/Office assistant - EAM (Eddy) Bokkers
Associate professor - IJMM (Iris) Boumans MSc
Assistant professor - IJM (Imke) de Boer
Personal professor -
prof.dr. PJ (Pierre) Gerber
Special professor -
dr. O (Ollie) van Hal
Post-doc researcher - J (Jan) van der Lee
Researcher -
dr. A (Aart) van der Linden
Assistant professor - CE (Corina) van Middelaar
Assistant professor -
dr. EM (Evelien) de Olde
Assistant professor -
R (Raimon) Ripoll Bosch PhD
Assistant professor -
BJ (Benjamin) van Selm
Post-doc researcher -
ing. FA (Fokje) Steenstra
Research and education associate -
Y (Yue) Wang
Post-doc researcher -
dr. LE (Laura) Webb
Assistant professor -
dr. L (Lotte) Yanore-van Rangelrooij
Post-doc researcher -
RME (Rianne) van Zandbrink MSc
Research associate -
JD (Judith) Zuijdwegt MSc
Research and education associate
Fernando Gabriel Garcia Teruel Research and education associate
PhD students
N (Niran) Adhikari
TAP (Titis) Apdini MSc
MC (Cecilia) Ayala
DJM (Dagmar) Braamhaar MSc
ir. A (Annemarieke) de Bruin
HM (Hilde) van Dijk MSc
LA (Leah) Germer MSc
AG (Anne) Hoogstra MSc
LA (Lotte) Lagerwerf MSc
VJ (Vincent) Oostvogels MSc
S (Subin) Santosh
AJ (Alice) Scaillierez MSc
R (Rui) Shi
MI (Mohammad) Shiddieqy MSc
C (Chuanlan) Tang
X (Xuemei) Zhao
CL (Coenraad) van Zyl
J (Janine) Braun MSc | |
W (Willemijn) van de Geest MSc | |
K (Keely) McGarr O'Brien MSc | |
A (Anh) Nguyen MSc |
MC (Maria) Oliani MSc | |
S (Susanne) Siegmann MSc | |
JJ (Jilles) Threels MSc | |
Y (Yarui) Zhang MSc |